• 1. Create a new Swift file called something like "NeshaminyViewController"

    2. Set the name of the ViewController’s Class to the name of the Xcode file in which you will be writing the code for this specific ViewController. For instance, if the Xcode file is called “NeshaminyViewController,” then you should make sure that the Identity Inspector (right side of Xcode on Main.Storyboard) has that name set as its Class name.

    3. Drag out a new View Contoller (if you don't already have one for your web view) and then drag a Web View onto the View Contoller. Set the constraints of the WebView — if you want the whole screen to be the Web View, then you can pin the edges of the Web View to the edges of the superView.

    4. Split the screen on Xcode by clicking the two overlapping circles (Assistant Editor) on the top right corner of the Xcode project. Make sure that both the Storyboard and the "NeshaminyViewController" file are visible. Control-click on the Web View on the ViewController and drag the cursor into the Xcode file ABOVE the “override func viewDidLoad()” text but BELOW the “class NeshaminyViewController: UIViewController” text. A box will show up in which you can write the name of the Web View — in my case, I named it “NeshaminyWebView”and left the other settings at outlet, UIWebView, and weak.

    5. Finish by adding in the code below the super.viewDidLoad(), your Xcode file should look similar to the code below.

    import UIKit

    class NeshaminyViewController: UIViewController {
        @IBOutlet weak var NeshaminyWebView: UIView!

        override func viewDidLoad() {
            // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
            let NeshaminyURL = URL(string: "http://www.Neshaminy.org")
            let NeshaminyURLRequest = URLRequest(url: NeshaminyURL!)

        override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
            // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
