• Neshaminy School District Process for Workers Permit Application 

    The steps below describe the temporary modified procedures.

    1. The student will use this link APPLICATION FOR WORK PERMIT
    2. Students unable to access the electronic application should email the guidance secretary at their school building for assistance. The student's parent or legal guardian electronically signs the PDF or signs the paper application. (Include the Hospital Name where it asks for place of birth). NOTE: Not all students need approval from a parent or guardian to apply for a work permit. For example, no signature is required if the minor provides official proof that they have graduated high school. More information about these exceptions is available on the Pennsylvania Child Labor Law section of PDE's website.
    3. The student attaches any required documents, such as a proof of age document, to the completed application and submits it to the school district via email to the guidance secretary at their building.   Active registered Neshaminy Students already have proof of age documentation on file and will not need to submit another proof of age. 
      • If an applicant is unable to provide a required document with their application, they can present it to the school district issuing officer at the next stage of the process.  A list of required documentation is found on the Pennsylvania Child Labor Law section of PDE's website. Please be aware that all required documentation must still be submitted and reviewed; the temporary change relates only to the format in which those documents may be submitted to, and accepted by, the school district.
    4.  Upon receipt of the application and documentation, the issuing officer at the school district will schedule an appointment with the student.
    5.  After successful completion of the application process, a completed workers' permit will be given to the student.

    Neshaminy High School - Steve McAloon - 215-809-6101

    Carl Sandburg Middle School - Amy Robinson - 215-809-6226

    Maple Point Middle School - Julianne Flocke - 215-809-7234

    Poquessing Middle School - Lorraine Lombardo - 215-809-6215

    More information regarding Working Papers can be found on the PDE Working Paper Website: https://www.education.pa.gov/Schools/safeschools/emergencyplanning/COVID-19/Pages/Work-Permits-for-Minors.aspx