PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB toneill@neshaminy.org Advisor: Mrs. O'Neill
Meeting Dates: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays (updated)
Time: 2:15-4:00pm
Place: Room G107
UPDATE: February meet time will be Wednesday, February 19th only!
Want to learn how to use a film camera?
Want to catch-up on Photography Class projects?
Come to Photography Club!
Photo club teaches students who don’t take photography the process of developing and printing film photos! Starting by just learning how to use the film camera, we hope to curate a small art show by the end of the year! Also, if you are or were a photo student, the club can be used for make-up work or printing photos. This year's photo club will be picture-perfect with you in it!
Make sure to sign up online!
_________________________________________________________________WHERE: G107TIME: 2:15 - 4:00WHEN:Our first meeting for the 2024-25 school year will be...Wednesday, October 2, 2024 (updated!)__________________________________________SHOOT, PROCESS, AND DEVELOPPictures for class or your own personal images in black and white.