


    Welcome to Ms. Shea's Website .

     Ms. Shea is the School Nurse for students with last names starting with Lee-Z

    Current News:

    Incoming Freshman and Students new to Neshaminy School District

    Students are required to have a physical exam completed by their physician. Please send the completed physical form to the school nurse no later than December 1, 2024. The exam form can be accessed by clicking the link below.

    School Year 2024-25 Immunization requirements for Seniors

    All seniors need to have a 2nd dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV) given after their 16th birthday by the first day of Senior Year. If one dose was given at 16 years of age or older, that will count as the twelfth grade dose. Please provide an updated copy of your child's immunization record documenting the required MCV.

    Reasons to Contact the Nurse

    • If your child has an acute health problem (for example: a new fracture, a concussion, newly diagnosed with seizures , asthma or diabetes, recent surgery or hospitalization, a prolonged illness, etc.)
    • If your child has a chronic health condition (for example, known asthma, seizure problems, mobility problems, diabetes etc.)

    Please contact me so we can plan for your child's health needs at school.

    Contact information:

    Telephone 215-809-6664

    Fax 215-809-6122

     Email:  mshea@neshsminy.org

    Click to go to Neshaminy School District Nurses' Website

    (The District Nurses' Website provides links to all medical forms, state immunization requirements, information about state mandates, and Neshaminy School District's Medication policy)

    I look forward to working with Neshaminy High School Families!