1. Save a new Blender file as BattleBoats.blend
2. File a texture for the water and a texture for the land.
3. Add the water texture to a plane or cube and scale up. If you forget how to add materials, use the directions in the middle of the swarm of Bees tutorial to add the water.
4. Repeat step 3 to add the land. Save, then save as BattleBoats2.blend
5.Create a boat in the water
6. Create a canon on the land. Save, then save as BattleBoats3.blend
7. Make the canon shoot. If you forget how to make object move with a keypress, use the directions in the canonball tutorial.
8. Make the canon rotate.
9. put a canon on the boat. Save, then save as BattleBoats4.blend
10. To be continued...