• Tree Measurement education:
    How to measure tree using tape
    Diameter at breast height,  DBH measurement
    Tree Measurement using tape (description only):
    Measuring tree diameter at breast height (DBH) with dog
    Tree measurement using Biltmore Stick  (10:11)
    Quadrat Sampling explanation  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE0n0767AVU
    Field Study: Deciduous Forest Survey
    1.  Deciduous Forest Survey - group data sheet to calculate  Deciduous Forest Survey - group data sheet pp 7,8,9  (Copied in class)
    2.  Student excel spread sheet  Deciduous Forest Excel Spreadsheet
        *Enter the class data into the spreadsheet and calculate (*directions for calculations are at the bottom of each column on the spreadsheet).
    3.  Make the following charts on Excel (from the "Combined Data" page):
             A)    %  Relative Density
             B)    %  Relative Frequency
             C)    %  Relative Biomass
             D)    Importance Value
    4. Directions on how to make a chart on Excel:
          a)  Highlight the data set that you would like to graph, for example (hold down the control key and highlight the % Relative Density column).  
          b)  Go to the top of the spreadsheet and click on "Insert", click on "Column" and click on "3D Column". A chart should appear on top of the spreadsheet.  
          c)  On the chart, right-click on the bottom row (x axis) of horizontal numbers. A square box should form around the numbers. Right click on this square box and click on "Select Data". A box will appear. Click on the "Horizontal Axis", EDIT key. A box titled "Axis Labels" appears. Hold down the control key and highlight or select the trees column (for ex., from Maple to Staghorn Sumac). You will see a blinking rim around the tree names. Click OK in the "Axis Label" box, then click OK again.  
          d)  To title the Y axis, go to the top of the spreadsheet and click under - "Layout", Chart Tools". Click "Axis Titles" and "Vertical" to add words.  
          e)  To move the chart to its own page within the Excel spreadsheet, right click on the chart, then click "Move Chart". Click "New Sheet" and Name the tab to coincide with the name of your chart. ALSO, type your last name on EACH new sheet. Phew! Success!  Don't  forget to save now :) 
    5. Click: "Save as" to save your Excel spreadsheet calculations and graphs to the student-teacher shared folder. When labeling your file to save, type your last name, and first name and the date (ex) Nov 18 when you save. I will take your folder out of the student-teacher shared folder later.