• Integrated Science (9th grade) - Daily Log - September
    8/30 Wed.  - Intro. to IS  (get back sheet of syllabus signed and return)
    8/31 Thurs.  -  Name Game
    9/1 Fri.  -  Learnning Styles - Notes
    9/5  Tues. -  Legos, Learning Styles
    9/6  Wed. - Directions, Flinn Scientific, Safety Contract; get contract signed
    9/7  Thurs  - Review answers, Flinn Scientific, Safety Contract
    9/8 Fri  - "What's in the Box" Scientific Method lab
    9/9  Mon. - Scientific Method notes
    9/10 Tues. - Qualitative/Quantitative lab 
    9/11 Wed. - Scientific Method practice
    9/12 Thurs - Review notes Scientific Method, "Simpsons Scientific Method practice" 
    9/13 Fri. - Graphing practice,  Pennies (hypothesis) lab
    9/18   Mon. - Graphing, "Using Miracle Gro" 
    9/19 Tues. - Review test
    9/20  Wed. - Scientific method / graphing test
    9/25  Mon. - Graphing activity (Phase changes)
    9/26  Tues. -  Log on to Jason.org using student codes. Username: Student ID, Password, Science. Work on first 9 vocab words, Due: Fri., 9/29.   
    9/27  Wed. -  Log on to Jason.org using student codes. Username: Student ID, Password, Science. Work on first 9 vocab words, Due: Fri., 9/29.  Begin notes on Measurement. 
    9/28  Thurs. - Continue notes on measurement. Measurement Ppt
    9/29  Fri. -  Lab: Wingspan