• Energy
    Global Environmental Efforts: 
    Environmental Science Laws:

    News, Environmental Science:  

    Anthropocene Magazine (Environmental) http://www.anthropocenemagazine.org/
    "Saving Planet Earth Stop Climate Change - National Geographic HD -Documentary films 2015"  (44:54) Saving Planet Earth Stop Climate Change - National Geographic HD -Documentary films 2015

    "You Have the Power" National Geographic online energy activity

    activity - You Have the Power   website link- You Have the Power



    movie link: Hydrogen: Nature's Fuel (56:46)

    How  do we get hydrogen fuel?   https://www.afdc.energy.gov/fuels/hydrogen_basics.html

    Currently, steam reforming, combining high-temperature steam with natural gas to extract hydrogen, accounts for the majority of the hydrogen produced in the United States. Hydrogen can also be produced from water through electrolysis, but this method is much more energy intensive. Renewable sources of energy, such as wind or solar, can be used as the energy source to produce hydrogen—avoiding harmful emissions from other kinds of energy production.

    Almost all of the hydrogen produced in the U.S. each year is used for refining petroleum, treating metals, producing fertilizer, and processing foods.

    Energy Project:  

    Renewable Energy Project: 
    In this project, you will investigate and present information on one form of renewable energy. students will work in groups of three and choose a form of renewable energy. The types of renewable energies to choose from are: solar, geothermal, wind, hydroelectric, hydrogen, biofuels, and methane.

    Each person on the team will take on one of the following expert roles and have the responsibilities that go along with that role:

    THE RESEARCH SCIENTIST: You are concerned with understanding and explaining how this energy source works. Here are some
    questions you will want to consider for your presentation.

    1. What is the source of power or raw materials for this energy source?
    2. How does the system harness and transfer energy?
    3. What are the by-products from this energy source?
    4. Is it possible to use this energy source in our area of the country?

    ENVIRONMENTALIST: You are concerned with the effects of this technology on nature. You want to explain how this new project could impact the natural surroundings. You would ideally want to see technology that will not produce greenhouse gases and that will not consume natural resources in such a way that would adversely affect
    future generations of both humans and other species. Here are some questions you will want to consider for your presentation.

    1. Are there any harmful wastes produced by this technology?
    2. Will natural habitats be adversely affected by this technology?
    3. Are there any concerns to public health and safety?
    4. How will using these energy resources contribute to global warming?

    ECONOMIST: You are concerned about how much the technologies will cost. You want an energy source that is both efficient and cost effective, something that will give a return on the initial investment to put the technology in place.

    1. How does the cost of this energy source compare to the current cost of fossil fuels in this area?
    2. How much money will it cost to start to use this technology?
    3. How much money will be saved by using this technology over the long term?
    4. Does this technology create any extra employment opportunities?

    HISTORIAN/SOCIOLOGIST: You are concerned with how this energy source has been used around the world. Humans have always used energy to improve their quality of life. Many different types of energy have been used in different regions and at different times in history. Here are some questions you will have to answer in your presentation.

    1. When was this energy source first discovered or invented?
    2. Where in the United States or other countries is this energy source currently used?
    3. How easily do you think our community would accept using this new energy source?
    4. How much energy is currently produced using this technology?
    5. How has this technology affected the lives of the people who use it?

    The Presentation
    After completing your research, you will present your information to the group. Your presentation should include:
    • An oral presentation with 2 to 3 minutes of information from each of your team member experts.
    • A poster, PowerPoint presentation, or portfolio that includes pictures that show how your energy source is used.
    • A written report with information from each of your team member experts. Each team member should prepare 2 to 3 pages typed, double-spaced. It should include a bibliography of all references used.
    • A scale model or demonstration that will help the audience visualize how the energy source works.




    o    ESA21: Activities