• We will be doing informal workouts starting Wednesday July 8th and will run Mondays and Wednesdays (9:00-11:00AM @ the High School) for the Month of July.
    July 8 and 10 will be from 12:30-2:30.
    August 5th-9th
    Voluntary Soccer Camp for 9-12 grades
    Location-Neshaminy High School
    Time-9-11:30 AM
    No Registration forms, just pay the morning of the camp.
    Payment Method
    Cash (preferred)
    Check (if you are paying by check please make the check out to CRW Soccer.
    If you're curious, CRW stands for Chieftian, R'skins, Warriors.
    August 12th
    First day of summer practice
    Practice Times---These time could change with our new facilities!!!
    Week 1 (Aug 12th) -Morning 8-10 & Afternoon 3-5 PM---If there is extreme heat we may go 7-9 PM
    Week 2 (Aug 19)- Morning 10-12 & Afternoon 5-7
    Note: Saturday practice will be morning ONLY 
    Practice Schedules will be posted once they are finalized. Times will vary during the season!!