Grades are based on the following per marking period (MP):
•Class work (CW)
•Homework•CE&P - Classroom etiquette and participation•Bonus
•Make Up Points
•Extra Credit
A typical MP will have approximately 250 to 300 points
Tests and Quizzes
– About 30% to 50% of your grade
· Straight point system.
·Each question on a quiz or test is worth 2 points unless
otherwise noted· If you miss a test or quiz you have 5 days afteryour return to school to make up the test before deductions.·Each 5 days that goes by after the grace period will resultin a 5% deduction from the test grade (example: 4 weeksto make up test is a 15 % deduction. 1st week 0 deduction, 5%each week after is -5%)· For both a test and quiz you can take the test a secondtime to bring up your grade. The maximum highest gradeyou can get for this is an 85%.· Before taking the make up test
You must remediate by correcting your mistakes and turning
in the previous test with your mistakes and the corrections
with the questions and answers written out. Attach a remediationpage to your corrections. Anything less and
you will not be able to retake the test.Note: You must save a copy of your test taken onlinein order to remediate, (and have as study guide for finals).Mr. Deal will NOT make a copy of the test for you.Class work - About 25% to 40% of your grade
· Check, check plus, check minus is 3 points
· Tend to be short class assignments
· Are excused for up to 3 of these smaller assignments
per MP due to lab other reasons you are not in class.
After 3, you must make up the work.
o Check: Usually 2/3 points
Doing the minimum asked. Average work including a few
wrong answers, or the right answers but still doing the minimum
o Check +: Usually 3/3 points
Doing AND THEN SOME or more than is asked. Excellent
o Check minus: Usually 0 or 1 / 3 points
Below average work or not doing what is asked
· Larger assignments done in class are graded based on 1 point per questionor item unless otherwise noted. May be as high as 10 points per assignment.· Some reading and writing assignments. Typically involving thereading of an article and writing about the article or answering questions.Between 3 and 10 points and are most often 5 to 6 points.* It is expected you will do quality work to get the full number of points,after all, you have the answers in front of you or you are researching andhave the information in front of you.You must make up larger assignment work. Even
if you are out due to lab, you must make it up. Youhave 5 days to do this.Homework – Approximately 5% of your grade· Will usually be less than 10 minutes for each assignment· Generally will have a video to watch to gain "prior knowledge"in starting a new subject or topic. Could also include reading an
article or part of the book. Grade factors in when there is a six to ten
point quiz associated with the assignment.
Generally will have two days to complete the assignment.Notebook – A notebook is required. Generally 20 pointsand is either graded at the end of a marking period or onceevery couple weeks depending on the subject being taught.CP - About 10% of your grade
· Classroom participation
Includes participation in class assignments/work and
answering questions when called on, volunteering to
answer questions, following instructions, behavior
towards classmates and teacher, working well in a group
as well as general etiquette in the room.I.e.: no use of cell phones and iPods,and no playing games on the computer.Put another way, following school rules.You can not participate in the class if youare texting, doing homework, on your cell phoneor playing computer games. This is a cumulativegrade where your overall CE&P for a markingperiod is considered.Extra Credit:
- In a typical MP you can earn enough points to
move your grade up 1 full letter grade or more if
you do an extra credit book report and weekly
extra credit
-Every Friday is extra credit Friday.
Up to 5 additional points can be earned
by reading an article and reporting on
that article. See the extra credit form
Grades for a test, quiz and marking period
•90% = A
•80% = B
•70% = C
•60% = D
•Below 60% is failing
I do NOT usually round a grade up unless you
have EARNED it. An 89.9% is not an A, it is a B
unless you have demonstrated you really earned
the A by doing extra credit, participating in
class and generally have been a good student. I
take effort into consideration. In reality, it should
never get to this point since you will know where
you stand in the class. Do extra credit early and
often. Don't wait till the end of the marking period.Grades are not given.They are earned!Note: Generally grading is done on the weekends except for tests
and quizzes given on the computer.
grades are calculated. May vary slightly from above stated
numbers and marking period to marking period