Remediation page for a test or quiz
Students in the Digital Forensics Law class have an opportunity to retake a test or quiz if the scores they earned were below what they should or could have achieved. The link attached is the Post Test activity sheet that students must complete in order to retake the test/quiz.It is not my intention for students to do poorly in any of the above mentioned classes. Nor is it the intent to create work. Students can earn 85% on a retest (even if a score of 100 is achieved). The intent of this activity has multiple purposes. First; and most importantly, to learn the material. Second; this is an opportunity for students to improve their grade, third; to self-evaluate and learn what is needed for this, and other classes, what is required to perform at a higher level.
Hopefully students will also have the time management concepts, covered in class, sink in.
That is:
“if you do not have time to do what is necessary to get a good grade
the first time, when will the you have time to do it over again? "