• Neshaminy High School

    Mrs. L. Schmidt




    Houghton Mifflin: Geometry

    Throughout this course we will cover Chapters 1-12 of this text. These chapters include: Basic Ideas of Geometry, Introduction to Proof, Parallel Lines and Planes, Congruent Triangles, Using Congruent Triangles and Parallel Lines, Similarity, Right Triangles, Circles, Area and Perimeter of Polygons, and Surface Area and Volume

    General Course Objective

    -Read and understand geometric terminology.

    -Appreciate geometric form in the world.

    -Demonstrate an understanding of basic geometric facts and figures.

    -Develop the ability to reason deductively.

    -Understand and be able to organize a formal proof.

    -Be prepared for geometry sections of post secondary admissions   tests.


    Students need a notebook (a loose leaf binder is suggested for this class to better help them store their notes, homework and handouts in an organized way), a pencil (have a spare), a pen, a covered textbook, color pencils or highlighters, and a calculator.


    Homework is assigned at least 4-5 nights a week and is posted on Edmodo each day. All of the notes, worksheets, and links to helpful videos are posted with the homework. Homework is checked randomly for 5 points each. All work must be shown to receive credit. Answers only is not acceptable. When a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to check the class website (Edmodo) to see what work was missed. It is also their responsibility to make up all missed work. Students will have 1 day to make up missed work for each date of absence. If the work is not made up in this time period, a grade of zero will be given. Late assignments can be turned in one day late (at the start of class the next day) for 2 points.  My philosophy on homework is that if they are doing their homework for this class then they will have a better chance to do well on tests and quizzes since they are working on problems that are very similar to the ones they will face on their tests and quizzes. It is for this reason that it is important for them to do and to understand all of their homework problems. I always remind them that I am here to help them understand this course, and I tell them never to hesitate asking me about any problems that they do not understand, even if we have already gone over it in class. Extra help is available after school with me in my classroom on Mondays until 3 p.m. Extra help is also offered in the library before school (6:45 -7:16 am) and after school Monday – Thursday (2:30 - 4 pm.)

    Tests and Quizzes

    There will be approximately 1 or 2 quizzes and one major test for each chapter we cover in this class unless the need arises for additional tests and quizzes for any of the chapters. For example, a longer chapter may need to be split up into two tests, etc.   Tests are worth 100 points and quizzes are worth 25 points. In addition to tests and quizzes, projects may be assigned and are generally worth 25 points depending on type of project. If students are absent for a test or a quiz, and they were present the day before, they will make up the test or quiz the day they return to class.


    -All grading is based on a point system. Grades are received in this form:     

                       the number of points they got correct            ex. 20 = 0.8=80%

                       the total number of points possible                              25


    -To find out their percentage grade, they must take the top number and divide it by the bottom number. 

    -Marking period grades are based on the total number of points that the students earned from tests, quizzes, homework, class work, and any projects: Assessments (tests, quizzes) 90% and Assignments (homework/classwork/groupwork) 10%


    Classroom Rules

    1. Respect the rights, property, and feelings of others.
    2. Follow all directions the first time they are given.
    3. Be in the classroom and seated in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
    4. Come to class prepared with a pen or pencil, colors, organized binder notebook, and a calculator.
    5. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking. Only ONE person speaks at a time.
    6. Stay seated at all times unless you have permission to get up or unless the bell rings at the end of the period.
    7. Cell phones, electronics, and ear buds should be stored in your “Cell Phone Storage" bag at your desk and are not to be used in the classroom unless directed by your teacher.