Parents and Students:
I believe that using a 100-point scale is unfair to students and may not be a true reflection of what they know or are able to do. For this reason, I am using a 4-point scale for scoring instead.
4 = A (exceptional)
3 = B (proficient)
2 = C (needs improvement)
1 = D (unsatisfactory)
0 = F or not done (no evidence of any proficiency)
Because E-school is based on a 100-point scale, the percentages calculated by this program when using the 4-point scale are not a correct indication of a student’s letter grade. Below please find the new percentage range for each letter grade.
A = 87 to 100%B = 75 to 86%
C = 50 to 74%
D = 25 to 49%
F = 0 to 24%
To learn more about standards based assessment, download this
power point shared with the students by clicking HERE.