
ESSER Fund (ARP ESSER) 7% Set Asides Consolidated

  • After-School and Tutorial Opportunities:

    In-person and virtual tutorial course offerings will be made available for students with support from District teachers to provide reteaching and remediation for core classes.

    District-Wide Communication will be provided, inviting all students to after-school tutoring sessions and or virtual tutorial courses to support their current program and deficit areas. In addition, after-school buses will be provided for any student without transportation. At parent-teacher conferences and or teacher direct contact with family, after-school support will be offered and or encouraged for an additional resource. Teaching staff will remind students that are struggling that support is available after school. In addition, a Curriculum and Instruction website has been provided for all families and they have access to what is expected to be taught in what course by grade throughout the year to support home and school access.

    After-school and tutorial opportunities will be provided using the ARP ESSER After School Set Aside funding of $77,881.00.

    After School Grant Content

    Summer School Opportunities:

    MTSS Elementary Summer Intervention Program

    Students identified for summer school programming will be completed using MTSS Data for Tier 2 and 3 interventions using the Universal Screener Data. All students will be eligible. No sub-group will be excluded as this data is based on students requiring intensive intervention in one or more areas (reading, Math, or Behavior).

    Monitoring of student growth, progress of both instructional growth and completion. In addition, students will be monitored through attendance for in-person instruction and online participation and completion of tutorial courses.  Students’ progress will be monitored to determine the success of opportunities using DIBELS (bi-weekly) and i-Ready Growth Monitoring (monthly).

    MTSS Summer Intervention opportunities will be provided using the ARP ESSER Summer School Set Aside funding of $77,881.00.

    Summer Program Grant Content

    Learning Loss:

    Social and Emotional Learning:

    Direct Instruction in Social Emotional Instruction for all elementary students K-5.

    Social and Emotional Learning Professional Development

    Social emotional learning and support for students that have suffered trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic; specific to Social and emotional lessons based on CASEL, stress in schools, trust, etc.

    Identifying signs of possible mental health issues and providing culturally relevant support; Mental Health and Trauma Informed Decisions.

    Reading Improvement for Students:

    Provide Reading Interventions driven by individual student Universal Screener Data (i-ready, DIBELS, and STAR) identified instructional needs in the area of reading for K-8 students. Students needing intensive intervention in reading focused on the earlier years to assist with students’ gaps closing and reading by 3rd grade.

    Other Learning Loss Activities:

    MTSS Tier 2 and Tier 3 Interventions K-5, providing students with additional interventions in the Summer for Tier 3 and Tier 2 Pilot Year 2022 Full implementation 2023&2024

    All learning Loss opportunities will be provided using the ARP ESSER Learning Loss Set Aside finding of $389,403.00.

    Learning Loss Grant Content (SEL, Reading, and Learning Loss)