The Neshaminy School District Federal Programs Office is responsible for Title I, Title II, Title III and Title IV programs as well as other state and federal grants. The Coordinator of Federal Programs, David Geanette, supervises Federal Programs staff, writes and supervises state and federal grants (Title I, II, III, & IV), and develops program budgets on an annual basis.
Title I, Title II, Title III and Title IV are the largest federally-funded programs in the nation and provide the district with annual funding to raise student achievement.
Title I Grant and services currently serve five schools within the Neshaminy School District: Ferderbar Elementary School, Hoover Elementary School, Miller Elementary School, Schweitzer Elementary School and Tawanka Elementary School. Title I funds also serve students at several surrounding non-public schools. The Schoolwide Title I programs in our buildings offer comprehensive programming to assist all students in meeting grade-level reading and mathematics expectations. Supplemental instruction is provided to students in need of additional support academically in reading and mathematics as determined by each school’s schoolwide plan. Teachers, principals, parents, families, and the Federal Programs Coordinator work as a team at each school to review the needs of students at the school and annually update the Schoolwide plans so that the school can accomplish its mission of ensuring that all students meet grade-level goals in the areas of reading and mathematics.
The Title II program (staff development) provides a comprehensive, ongoing staff development driven by an annual professional development needs assessment survey. A significant portion of the Title II program supports instructional technology within our District K-12.
The Title III education program for English Language (EL) provides intensive instruction of the English language. All instruction is conducted in English, and students are grouped according to language needs when possible, as well as appropriate grade levels. Our Title III grant supports our Intensive Learning Lab offered during the Summer months to support our students.
Title IV funds are to be used to focus district efforts on safe and healthy students, and how technology can be integrated into schools to improve teaching and learning in addition to emphasizing access to a well-rounded education that includes a wide variety of disciplines. Addressing Social Emotional Learning and College and Career Readiness are significant focus areas of Title IV in our District.
Title programs are designed to enhance student learning, improve instruction and to create safe and supportive schools. We welcome your input and insight into our programming. Please feel free to contact the Curriculum and Instruction office with any questions or suggestions.