• Grading Guidelines and Assorted Teaching Tips

    Child Development/Preschool Lab—Mrs. DeAngelis & Ms. Pfaff

    Grading Guidelines, Classroom Review and Assorted Teacher Tips


    I. Grading Procedures (subject to change as class evolves):


    Grade is based on total cumulative points.

    How can I succeed?

    1.     Plan and instruct one lesson. Teaching a lesson is    mandatory.

    a.    Turn in a written lesson plan form (15 points) ALL sections need to be completed including a transition activity.

    b.    Actual teaching (50 points) scored as it is occurring.

    c.     If you are absent, you will teach a lesson at some other point.


    2.    Plan and instruct one circle time.

    a.    Turn in a written circle time plan (10 points)


    3.    Complete an observation each week you are in the preschool. Observations are 30 points each. All sections complete, thoroughly written.  Write a paragraph on the back to evaluate the week, child information, concerns, new skills learned, performance on part of the student’s and your own. These are due on Fridays.


    4. Participate, play and be there! Be an important part of a child’s life.  Attendance is important. If you are not here, you cannot participate and assist the child you have been assigned to work with. Make up your assignments as soon as you return (within one week).

    You are responsible for getting the assignments you missed.


    5. Completed classroom assignments and activities=to be determined as they are presented (worth various point values).


    II. Classroom Guidelines:


    1. Gum chewing- a teacher chewing gum in the presence    of children is unprofessional.


    2.    Use the lavatory in the preschool.


    3.     Cafeteria is only for those without a lunch. But don’t forget bagel Fridays.


    4.    Inappropriate language (defined as words or conversations of an offensive or insensitive nature) cannot be used. A teacher is a role model and children will follow your words and actions (more than you think). Parents will not appreciate your taking up their child’s time talking about dates, sex, smoking/drugs or other subjects deemed inappropriate for little ears.


    5.    Interact with the children as much as possible. They are here for you –but you are here for them. Be in charge; don’t expect them to come to you.



    6.    Be patient. With children, patience is extremely important. Slow down your words and your directions. Be patient with yourself. You too are learning and not all lessons may go according to your expectations.


    7.    Stay positive! Leave your bad day at the door if you are having one. Teaching, parenting, and other child-centered jobs are self-sacrificing. As much as you may be having a bad day or feeling negative, children are relying on you to be happy and friendly. Act happy and you’ll be happy. Thank you in advance for your efforts, both individual and team.


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