• Dear Future Precalculus Student:

    Congratulations on being recommended for and accepting the challenge of taking Precalculus next year!  This is a rigorous course which is dependent upon a strong foundation in Algebra.  Prior to the start of school next year, it will be necessary for you to complete the following 2 tasks:

    1)       Acquire a graphing calculator.   The following calculators are recommended:  Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus.  The price of these calculators is regularly $100-$140.  Many stores have sales in early July, so keep an eye out for them during the summer.  Also, many students have purchased a used graphing calculator from friends or yard sales for as low as $20!  Do not wait until the last minute to get your graphing calculator or you may end up paying full price!  Also, the use of other brands of graphing calculators is not recommended, as you may have trouble figuring out how to use it on your own.

    2)      Complete the Precalculus Summer Packet.  This packet will be available for download on the High School’s Math Department Website. Click here for the packet.  This packet will be collected and will count as part of your first marking period Precalculus grade.  In addition, the first quiz will be based upon the problems in the summer packet.

    Have a wonderful, relaxing summer and we look forward to working with you next year!

    -Neshaminy High School Math Department