More student schedules in Columbia
See what the schedules of students in grades 8-10 look like. What courses do they have to take? Are they similar to what is required here?
El Corte Inglés
Check out the biggest department store in Spain. It even has a grocery store.
Textbook Companion Website
For each "Tema," you will find the following:1. Audio files to accompany the textbook listening activities2. Songs created to help you remember key grammar structures presented3. Practice activities4. Reading skills worksheets5. Puzzles6. Test preparation activities -
SuccessNet Plus- Online textbook and individualized online folder
This is the official site of our textbook.Scroll down to find the SuccessNet Plus section. Here you can click to login. Your login will be yourstudent number + "a" and your password will be "delopalka1."Here you will find you online eText. Here, you may highlight, bookmark, and personalize the textbook. Also, you will find theweekly assignments to be completed in your online folder. -
Spanish Tutorial and Review Site
You can find notes and online grammar and vocabulary practice activities on this site. Just click on the book and "Tema" you are studying and a variety of resources are available.You may complete the online activities, print out the answers, and email or turn in for "euro" points. -
Spanish 3- Realidades 2 Vocabulary Flashcards
Find the chapter we are currently studying and use these flashcards of the vocabulary to practice spelling, to listen to pronunciation, and to help memorize meanings of words.Once you feel you know the vocabulary, challenge yourself by playing the games provided to see how quickly you can recall the vocabulary.