Neshaminy High School Sophomores participate in the Sophomore Health Education Program. The Health Education Program encompasses many topics that are covered throughout the year. Classes meet every other day.
Course Description:The purpose of health education is to establish an understanding in terms of overall healthy living based on the connection to personal wellness. The curriculum is designed into four parts for a balanced diversity of issues to address both state and national standards in: Too Good for Drugs and Violence, First Aid/CPR, Nutrition Basics, and Human Sexuality.
Too Good for Drugs and Violence Unit
- The lessons in this unit target individual students. The lessons include activities to strengthen knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and skill effective for drug and violence prevention. The Lifelines Suicide Prevention Program has been incorporated into this unit.
- Students will reviewing and expanding upon the CPR and basic First Aid skills as covered in the 7th grade health curriculum. A more in depth look will continue into the various types of first aid practices and techniques that are used by Red Cross Certified care-givers in order to give proper care for an injured individual. Students have the option to get certified as a Schools and Community Level First Aid and CPR Responder validated by the Red Cross (all of our staff at NHS are certified First Aid Trainers).
Nutrition Basics Unit
- Concepts in keeping a healthy level of nutritious intake can be confusing in today's market of fad diets and express schedules that require continued eating of fast food and other unhealthy practices. Students will learn about reading food labels, how to analyze serving sizes and appropriate amounts of various nutrients according to their specific dietary needs.
Human Sexuality Unit
- Students covered a number of these types of topics in 8th grade health, however given societal trends both locally and nationally there is great importance in reviewing these topics and addressing new pertinent topics for students in our current age. A depth of material will encompass the subject matter beyond the typical surface value found in the 8th grade health curriculum to encompass a wider range of issues.
Course Objectives:
o Identify core vocabulary terms for each particular unit displayed through meaning identification assessment taken in class or online where students are expected to know all terms covered in each individual unit.
o Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts taught in each portion of the unit as displayed through group activity, periodic mini-evaluations (quizzes) and through summative formal assessment.
o Clarify major health concerns in society through directed (prompt) response in written form or through guided discussion participation in class with peers based on specific components of the PA Writing Rubric or through participation and point system for responses and debate contributions during class discussion.
o Create and organize information for a variety of projects that allow students to orchestrate a demonstration of their comprehension and understanding in the various health concepts and principles adapted primary for variant learning apart from formal assessment using student choice and freedom of expression as motivators to reaching positive learning goals.
PA State and National Academic Standards Addressed in the Course:
· PA State Health Standards (specific standards are listed with each lesson)
Ø Concepts of Health
Ø Healthful Living
Ø Safety and Injury Prevention
· National Health Standards
Ø Comprehension of concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention applied to enhance health.
Ø Analysis of the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.
Ø Demonstration of the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health.
Ø Demonstration of the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Ø Demonstration of the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Ø Demonstration of the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
Ø Demonstration of the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
Ø Demonstration of the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.
Course Materials:
Unit Packets (one teacher provided copy per student, if original is lost it becomes the responsibility of the student to reprint the packet from the NSD Health and Physical Education Website prior to the next class period as not to lose points for unpreparedness during class time.)
Notebook or folder and writing instrument
Course Requirements:
1. In class activities will involve individual and/or group discussions. Periodic packet checks will also help comprise this grade for students.
2. Students will be going through a current events day in class where each student is required to bring in a current event from the newspaper, internet or other new media to share with their “So What?” groups to discuss the impact of such events specifically on their lives.
3. Students will be required to complete some portions of learning outside of class time.
4. Students will be required to demonstrate current knowledge progressively during unit instruction through periodic small-scale evaluations. Some quizzes will be announced yet others will be given at the discretion of the instructor. Students will be able to retake quizzes upon completion of additional work and study.
5. Students will be required to present their knowledge in terms of analyzing and comparing the information they learned throughout the course of each specific unit of study. Students will be able to retake tests upon completion of additional work and study.
6. Students will be required to research, create and present information to demonstrate an overall grasp of total unit comprehension. Full project details for each respective project will be given at the onset of its particular unit. Each project will be completed in a collaborative team style to build communication and task-sharing abilities of each student as required in today’s globally-connected working environments.
7. Midterm/Final Exams (100%) – Each of the two semester exams will count for a full marking period grade. Students will be responsible to recall the information from the first half of the year’s curriculum on the midterm and the second half of the semester on the final exam. A minimum of one day of review will be done the class period prior to each examination.
All school policies are in effect concerning academic honesty and plagiarism
*This syllabus is subject to change*
Basic Course Schedule and Assignments:
Unit 1 – Too Good for Drugs and Violence
Health Curriculum Introduction
Time Management
Goal Setting and Self Esteem
De-escalating conflicts
Drug Dependency
Family Roles
Resisting Peer Pressure
Alcohol Effects/Alcoholism
Prescription Drugs vs. Over the Counter Drugs
School Pressure: Bang, Bang You’re Dead
Project: Power Point Project
Unit 2 – First Aid / CPR
CPR Introduction
Skill Review
Practice Scenarios
Certification Testing
First Aid Introduction
Skill Practice
Practice Scenarios
Certification Testing
Project: Idlewood Rescue Squad Scenarios
Unit 3 – Nutrition Basics
Nutrition Introduction
Grasping Essential Nutrients
Understanding Food Labels
Diets – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Basal Metabolic Rate
Influence on the American Diet
Project: Nutrition Portfolio
Unit 4 – Human Sexuality
Sexuality Introduction
Expressing Sexuality
Gender Roles and Stereotypes
Dating and Relationships
Choosing Abstinence
Unhealthy Relationships
Reproductive Systems
Pregnancy and Preventing Pregnancy
Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases
Project: TBA
Academic Honesty Policy:
Neshaminy School District is committed to a learning environment that embraces academic honesty. Faculty, students, and administrators share responsibility for maintaining this environment of academic honesty and integrity, accepting individual responsibility for all actions, personal and academic. Each member of our community is expected to read, understand, and uphold the values identified and described in both our faculty and student handbooks.
Second half of the year:SEXUALITY EDUCATION andNUTRITION