Welcome to Mr. Horchheimer's web site
Thank you for coming to my webpage. Please know that I post all assignments on the much easier to use Edmodo.com. Your child should have an account on this website and you can see all the work they have due if you register as a parent. Please email me with your child's full name and I will send you the parent code for Edmodo. This site is used for both Earth Science and College Chemistry. By the way, did you know there is an app for Edmodo.com? I use it all the time! And I highly suggest all my students do so as well. Click below to get started....http://neshaminy.edmodo.com/
Also know that I update grades on HomeAccess at least once a week. Knowing your child's grade (and attendance) is just a click away if you have this service.
Students, if you cannot remember your Edmodo username or password, you may have to create another account. Unfortunately, they change constantly, so please contact me for the code.Student Group Code for Earth and Space: (Students need to contact teacher for up to date code.)
Student Group Code for College Chemistry: (Students need to contact teacher for up to date code.)
Feel free to contact me at my email: ehorchheimer@neshaminy.org if you have any other questions.Have a good day,Eric HorchheimerNHS Science