Grading and Assessment of ELs

Grading and Assesment of ELLs

Grading of ELLs  
ELLs must be graded using the same grading system as all other students.


Annual assessment of ELLs
     • Assessment processes must align to the academic standards and PA ELPS. 
     • The annual state ELP assessment of ELLs is required by federal law.

        20 U.S.C. §§ 6311(b)(7), 6826(b)(3)(C),(d)(2)
     • The State ELP assessment must be administered annually to measure

        progress and/or attainment of the student’s English language proficiency

        for each language domain, i.e., reading, writing, speaking and

        listening/understanding.  These score results are maintained in the

        student’s permanent record folder.
     • The PSSA accommodations allowable for ELLs are published annually by PDE.

        Visit the PDE website for the information on testing  