2. Work toward longer passages as skills in English increase
3. Introduce key vocabulary before lesson
4. Provide a copy of overhead notes for students
5. Use visuals
6. Write key words on board
7. Provide highlighted text and/or key concepts
8. Grade only what the student has completed, do not mark unanswered questions wrong
9. Word process/type all handouts, tests
10. Divide and assign novels into chapters; two students teach the class
11. Teacher reads aloud daily
12. Provide peer tutoring
13. Use a strong student as a “buddy” (does not necessarily have to speak the primary language)
14. Check for comprehension often
⎯10 minute intervals
15. Draw ESL students gradually into class discussions
16. If identical exams are given to ESL students and traditional students, circle the key concept questions to answer. Do not penalize ESL students for incomplete exams.
17. Work up to more difficult methods of testing following this pattern
• True/false (keep it simple)
Matching in groups of less than ten
Multiple choice limited to two choices
Fill-ins with a work bank with the same number of answers as choices
Complete sentences
Questions and answers
Short paragraphs
18. Preview/Plan material ahead of time
19. Have fluent/expressive reader put the text on tape
20. Grade for content; overlook minor language usage mistakes especially if the meaning is there