• Neshaminy School District

    English Learner Program Placement

    • _____ Initial Placement                                     
    • _____ Continuing Placement

    Name of Student:   __________________________________________________________           Date:_______________________

    Dear Parent or Guardian:

    Your child has been identified as an English learner. This letter provides information about your child’s proficiency in English. Proficiency in a language is a measure of a person’s ability to understand and communicate in that language or in a person’s preferred mode of communication. The school will provide services that will help your child become proficient in English and do well in school. This letter provides information about how we decided your child is an English learner and other important information. Here is the information included in this letter:

    • Your child’s level of proficiency in English;
    • The level of proficiency needed to be considered proficient;
    • An estimate of how long it should take for your child to become proficient in English;
    • The method of instruction used in English Learner Services;
    • Other English Learner Services that may be available to help your child;
    • Information about requesting other services to help your child become proficient in English;
    • Information about refusing the English Learner Services we provide;
    • If available, information about how your child is generally doing in school;
    • Information about the percentage of English learners graduating from high school; and
    • If your child has a disability, you will receive information about how services to help your child become proficient in English will help meet educational goals set for your child.

    We must give you this information about your child. Education law requires that we send you this information and that we make sure that you understand it. If you need assistance understanding this letter, please contact:

    Name:                                                                                                                   Title: ________________________________________

    Email:                                                                                                                    Phone:                                            __                          

    Do you need an interpreter? Please tell us and we will make sure one is available.

    Your child will receive instruction in our school district’s English Learner Services that are paid for with money from Title I or Title III of the education law called the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended 2015. Sometimes these services are paid for by both Title I and Title III. 

    You completed a home language survey and marked that your child speaks a language other than English. Because your child speaks a language other than English, we gave your child an English proficiency test. Based on the results of this test your child is eligible to receive English Learner Services. Placement in the English learner services that best meet your child’s needs is based on 1) the results from this test, 2) how well your child is doing in school, and 3) other educational information about your child. The English Learner Services chosen are designed to help your child learn English so that your child will be able to meet academic standards, succeed in school, and graduate from high school. The expected rate of transition out of English learner services is            (number of years). The high school graduation rate for students receiving English Learner Services is          %. If your child has a disability and an Individualized Education Program (IEP), improvement in your child’s ability to listen, speak, read, and write in English will help meet the goals of the IEP.

    The name of the English proficiency test your child took is:


    (Test used to measure level of English proficiency)


    (Test used to measure level of English proficiency)

    Your student’s Level of English Proficiency is:                       The highest score possible is:                                       

    The level needed to be proficient in English and exit English Learner Services is:


    If applicable, your child's level of academic achievement was measured using the following test(s):


    (Test used to measure level of academic achievement)


    (Test used to measure level of academic achievement)

    Your student’s Level of Academic Achievement is:                                                                                                          

    The method of instruction used in your child’s English Learner Services is:

    • Bilingual, including Dual Language, Two-Way Immersion, Transitional Bilingual, and Developmental Bilingual programs: Instruction is provided in both English and your child’s home
    • Heritage Language: Instruction is provided in a native, home, or ancestral language that is also used to help your child become proficient in
    • Content-based English Learner Program, English as a Second Language (ESL), or Sheltered English, including Sheltered English Instruction, Structured English Immersion, and Specially designed academic instruction delivered in English: Instruction is provided in English only and adapted to the student’s English proficiency This instructional method is used to make academic instruction in English understandable to English learners. This will help them acquire proficiency in English while at the same time achieving in content areas.
    • Pull-out English Learner or ESL: Students leave their English-only classroom during the day for English learner or ESL instruction.
    • Other:                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


    • Your child’s English Learner Services are not the district’s only English Language Development Additional information about your child’s English Learner Services and, if available, other district language programs is attached.

    Please contact the person below or                                                                  if you would like to request: (a) immediate removal of your child from the English Learner Services provided by Title I, Title III, or both; (b) options available for your child if you decline the English Learner Services offered or would like another method of instruction; or (c) assistance in selecting other district programs or instructional methods, if available. 

    Name:                                                                                                                                  Title:                                                                             

    Email:                                                                                                                                   Phone:                                                                         


    Description of Programs 

    The goal of the district’s English Learner Services is to help your child learn English and meet academic standards for grade promotion and graduation. The English Learner Services described here are provided using ESEA funding from Title I, Title III, or both. These services are in addition to our district’s English Language Development Program(s). Each program is designed to help your child become proficient in English and succeed in school. Our staff identified the educational strengths and needs of your child and selected the instructional methods described below. It is anticipated your child will continue in English Learner Services for              years.

    Your child will move to a full day schedule that is not designed for English learner students when your child becomes proficient in English.

    Your Child’s Program:                                                                                                                                                                                         

    Instructional  Method(s):



    Program Content for Meeting State Proficiency:


    Native Language Used in Instruction:



    English Language Used in Instruction:



    Program Exit Criteria:




    Description of Other Available English Learner Services:

    Instructional  Method(s):



    Program Content for Meeting State Proficiency:


    Native Language Used in Instruction:



    English Language Used in Instruction:



    Program Exit Criteria:





    Student ID #

    Dist. Student #

    Grade Level

    Student Name

    Faculty Name

    Faculty #


    Home Phone

    Home Language

    First Date Student Attended School in the U.S.