
    Girl’s Bowling 2023-2024


    1.  Tryouts will be held on November 17th, November 20th and November 21st at 3:00 at Morrisville Lanes (625 Nolan Ave. Morrisville, PA 19067) at 3:00. (Bussing information will be shared as soon as possible on website, remind and Canvas).
    2. Placement on team (Varsity/ J.V.) is based on the average of the 9 games bowled during tryouts.
    3. You may join remind/Canvas course for information and communication.


    Remind:  text 81010



    Or go to:  https://www.remind.com/join/smaroz


    1. In order to try out, you must have completed both family id and physical ---absolutely no exceptions. The forms and links can be found on the Girl’s Bowling website.






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