Bus Transportation Changes
following the opening of
Core Creek Elementary School
Construction continues the Maple Point campus for the new $51 million, two-story, 119,000 square foot Core Creek Elementary school building scheduled for completion during the 2024-2025 school year. The project was discussed and planned for a number of years as part of the District's Road Map plan to fill a geographical gap in the northern part of the district. Students in the upper Middletown Township and Langhorne area currently attend one of four elementary schools located in the Levittown area. The new school will have the capacity to house approximately 900 students and will replace Pearl S. Buck Elementary School, which was opened in 1968. A decision was made to construct the new school instead of spending the millions of dollars that would have been needed to renovate Buck and bring it up to modern standards of safety, efficiency, and usefulness.
Current plans call for the building to open in January, 2025. At that time, students and staff from Pearl S. Buck ES will move to the new building. Changes to catchment areas for any students from other elementary schools that are to be moved as a result of the new school ("redistricting") will not be implemented until the start of the 2025-2026 school year.
The new school will necessitate a number of proposed transportation changes. Most notable are the three that are examined in the videos below. These include:
- Students from Twin Oaks in Levittown who currently walk to Buck and will now be transported to Core Creek
- Students from the Summit Trace area who will now be transported to Core Creek instead of Buck, a much shorter ride
- Students from the southernmost corner of Feasterville who currently attend Ferderbar ES and may be reassigned to Tawanka ES.
Please note that these are all proposed changes and will all be considered by the School Board Planning and Facilities Committee and the full School Board with public input before implementation.
The videos below include real-time bus rides along these three routes as well as a round-table discussion about the transportation changes, how they will be implemented and transportation policy. Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page for more information that will be updated as the process moves along.
BUS RIDE #1: Twin Oaks (Levittown) to Core Creek ES
Bus Ride #2: Core Creek ES to Summit Trace
Bus Ride #3: Walnut Grove to Tawanka ES
Frequently Asked Questions
What students will attend Core Creek Elementary?
All of Pearl Buck’s existing students will go to the new elementary school. The district will also do a redistricting plan that helps alleviate some “overcrowding” in the other five elementary buildings.
What does "redistricting" mean?
Our schools, except for Neshaminy High School, assign attendance boundaries according to areas where students live geographically within the school district. A redistricting project means that the district will look at those current boundary lines and possible “redraw” the attendance boundaries to realign where students attend school according to where they reside, while also allowing the district to balance enrollment numbers within our other schools.
Why is redistricting necessary?
In most communities, the distribution of school-aged children changes over time as new housing developments are built and as families move in and out of existing neighborhoods, with older homeowners selling their homes to younger homeowners with school-age children. This is true in Neshaminy School District as we have seen growth over a period within the past 5 years. While birth rates in the last several years have been at record highs. Our enrollment numbers continue to increase at all three grade-levels (elementary, middle, and high school) in the last four years. This demonstrates that Neshaminy School District continues to be a great place where families want to live. But this expansion of enrollment numbers has also caused some of our schools to reach their functional capacities.
When will a decision be made on redistricting boundary lines?
Redistricting scenarios are being formulated and will be proposed to the District Board Committee and the School Board this Spring.
UPDATE: On June 13, 2025 the Board Committee was presented 4 different Scenarios to Redistrict some of the current Elementary Catchment areas with adhering to the following Goals and Guidelines;
- Maximize the capacity at the new Core Creek Elementary School
- Look at Geographic locations/better alignment of Middle School Feeder system when possible
- Balance the existing enrollment in the elementary buildings
Find avenues to support additional building space for District-Wide programs
If we are among the families to be redistricted, will I be notified and when?
A redistricting plan was approved by the School Board in September, 2024 (Scenario 3 in the Redistricting Presentation). The district will directly notify you via email and postal mail if your student(s) will attend a different elementary school during the fall of 2024.
If my students is redistricted, when will the change happen?
Any student affected by the redistricting plan will be transitioned to their reassigned school in the fall of 2025 (the start of the 2025-2026 school year).
If my sutdent is redistricted, does that mean they will automatically be going to Core Creek ES?
No, not all students redistricted within the proposed scenarios will be sent to Core Creek Elementary. The district will look to balance various enrollment numbers within our elementary schools. Redistricting will affect other elementary buildings as well.
How will staffing be affected by the opening of the new school?
As we normally do at the end of every year, the district will examine needs across all its schools for the coming year. Staff may be shifted from one school to another based on enrollments or the needs identified in each school, or we may need to hire additional staff.
How will my child's bus ride be affected by the move to Core Creek or other redistricting?
We strive to make every child's time on the bus as short as possible, while also making our routes as safe and efficient as possible. We ask our community to remember that we are still facing a shortage in our transportation staffing and that at times impacts our bus runs and not necessarily the travel to a new building. Any new proposed scenario will allow the Neshaminy School District to keep students' time on the bus close to what it is currently or possibly better.
The district will complete a time study on “test runs” that are created in scenarios for redistricting options.
District Administrative Consultant has recommended that the School Board consider all Students at Core Creek Elementary are Bus Riders regardless their catchment area (residence). This includes any family that may have siblings at Maple Point who are currently walkers.
Does this mean if my child is a walker to/from Maple Point they will now be a bus rider? The answer to that question is, NO, transportation will only be provided to elementary age (K-4) students.
Will my non-Buck ES student be redistricted in the middle of the school year?
No, the only proposed mid-year change would be for Pearl Buck students to transition over to Core Creek Elementary.
If my Pearl Buck ES student moves to Core Creek mid-year, is there a chance they will move again?
No, students who move from Pearl Buck Elementary will move ONE TIME and will not be part of the redistricting.
My students has an IEP / 504 plan in their current school. Will that stay the same in a new school?
Yes. We are already planning for the transition of students from one school to another to ensure that the same services and supports are available without interruption. We are committed to ensuring that students receive the same high-quality support and education, regardless of the school they attend.
My child attends Neshaminy Kids Club. Will Core Creek or a redistricted school have that?
All Neshaminy School District elementary buildings will continue to have the Neshaminy Kids Club program involved in providing before and after school services for our school communities.
Is there a plan for transition activities to welcome families and students to their new schools?
Our schools are committed to ensuring that all students, families, and staff feel welcome and an important part of any of our school communities. Central Administration and building level administration will be developing transition and community-building events to welcome new families and staff members to their school.
If my child is part of the redistricting plan moving from one elementary school to another elementary school, can I ask for an Attendance Exception to stay there?
The district understands that children and families become comfortable in their current settings and surroundings and redistricting uproots that familiarity, unfortunately the goal of any redistricting plan is to realign enrollment numbers that best fit the overall district enrollment goal and needs, granting any attendance exception to allow a student/family to stay within current school setting would be negate the goals of redistricting. Therefore, Attendance Exception request based will not be approved.
Will this year's third-grade students be exempt from changing to a new school for fourth grade?
No, students in the third grade for the 2024-2025 school year who are re-assigned to a new school for the 2025-2026 school year will not be "grandfathered" to remain at their current school.
I have another question that wasn't answered here. Who should I contact?
You can email: questions@neshaminy.org or a call our information phone line 215-809-7777. Your question will be directed to the department or building who could best help your situation or question.