• Neshaminy School District

    Long Service Awards 2023

  • Each year, Neshaminy School District honors our colleagues who have attained at least 15 years of service to the District and at each five-year interval following that milestone. They were honored during special presentations held throughout the school year at their respective buildings attended by school and District administrators. We thank these educators and support staff who have dedicated their lives and careers to the education and well-being of our students and the Neshaminy community.

    Transportation Department

    15 YEARS

    Roberta Kay Costello
    Renee Heaney
    Scott Heaney
    Robert Little
    William Woodson

    20 YEARS

    Constance Ejsmont
    Nancy Fallon
    Danielle Miller
    Lynn Ratcliffe

    30 YEARS

    "Miss Sue" Monreal

    35 YEARS

    Cheryl Anne Vornhold

    Pearl S. Buck Elementary

    15 YEARS

    Amanda Arner
    Jeff Rodos

    25 YEARS

    Maria Marsh

    30 YEARS

    Bethann Morgan Boyle
    Brian M. Kern
    Karen McGuigan
    Penny Meller
    Leanne Raab
    Kate Sottile

    Joseph Ferderbar Elementary School

    15 YEARS

    Lauren M. Chakler
    Nancylin Cochran

    20 YEARS

    Kristy Osborn

    25 YEARS

    Bethany Dillon
    Arlene McGugan

    Herbert Hoover Elementary School

    15 YEARS

    Diane Clark
    Susan Kane
    Christie Wood

    20 YEARS

    Lisa C. Hughes

    Walter Miller Elementary School

    15 YEARS

    Cynthia Ritchie

    20 YEARS

    Kerry L. Bettelli

    Albert Schweitzer Elementary School

    15 YEARS

    Jennifer Barr
    Kristen Casile
    Erin M. McMahon
    Jamie Roller
    Aubrey Supowitz

    Tawanka Elementary School

    15 YEARS

    Louise Geers

    20 YEARS

    Bob Casey

    30 YEARS

    Barbara Kennelly

    Maple Point Middle School

    15 YEARS

    Jennifer Bennett
    Sharon Kneiss, RN
    David Martys

    20 YEARS

    Pam Doheny
    Daniel Winter

    25 YEARS

    Beth Kane
    Tara Merchiore
    DJ Steyer

    30 YEARS

    Charles Lumio
    Dr. Mark Wilson

    35 YEARS

    Elaine R. Harkins

    Poquessing Middle School

    Carl Sandburg Middle School

    20 YEARS

    Cheryl Siefker

    25 YEARS

    Karen Bradshaw
    Kristin Kerrigan Cressman
    Brian M. Sutter

    30 YEARS

    Dawn Bloom-Kelly
    Barbara King
    Mike Thompson
    Brett Wallerstein

    Neshaminy High School

    15 YEARS

    Eileen McGinnis
    Anita Moore
    Kathleen Pote, LPGN
    Casey Rodgers
    Lori Shennard
    Andrew Szymczak

    20 YEARS

    Sean Daly
    Gerard Devine
    Kerry Hammon
    Karen Hartley Graham
    Kathleen Houser
    Amy Oxley
    Kimberly Pfaff
    Ryan Smith

    25 YEARS

    Gina Chiolan
    Tara Huber
    Linda Kitchenman
    Sheila Royds
    Hara Zefran

    30 YEARS

    Kathleen M. Clark
    Sharon S. Diggans
    Jeffrey Dunkley
    Kenneth J. Gurysh
    Alicia A. Luba
    Dawn D. Thomson

    35 YEARS

    Albert Hiller
    Michael Lipton