Maple Point

Middle School

We Build Futures

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District Announcements (scroll down for school-specific items)

  • Early Dismissal / Friday, February 14

    Schools will dismiss at the following times:
    • High School: Dismiss at 9:40; buses depart at 9:50
    • Middle School: Dismiss at 10:20; buses depart at 10:30
    • Elementary Schools: Dismiss at 11:00; buses depart at 11:10
    Grab-and-go lunches will be available for all grades.
    There is no after-school Kids Club on Feb. 14.

    SafeArrival Absence Reporting App

    Neshaminy is pleased to introduce a new service called SafeArrival, which will make it easier to report student absences using a mobile app, a website or a toll-free phone number.

    Please click on this document: SafeArrival User Guide (PDF) for information on SafeArrival and how to set it up. The application is live, and parents and guardians can begin using it immediately. At this time, handwritten notes and phone calls to Main Offices for absence reporting are also still accepted. Questions about SafeArrival should be directed to the Main Offices at each school.


    Snow Day Information

    Neshaminy schools will be closed for the first two snow days (the first of these was called on Monday, January 6). Any additional snow days called will be asynchronous online learning days. Please read the following document for information about snow days and asynchronous online learning: Snow Day Information / Asynchronous Learning


    Every Student, Every Day

    As we transition from summer to the 2024-2025 school year, we want to remind our Neshaminy families that every student's attendance, every day, is crucial to their academic success. We need your support to instill the habit of regular school attendance. It's important to understand that students who miss school frequently are at risk of lower academic achievement, failure, and even dropping out. Click on the links below to read letters to Neshaminy families about the importance of regular attendance and specific information on Neshaminy attendance policies.


    Safe2Say Something app

    Neshaminy offers the free Safe2Say mobile app for students, their families and Neshaminy staff to enhance safety throughout the District. Please click on the links below for more information about this important safety tool:

    Health & Safety Plan

    Here Comes the Bus App

    The free Here Comes the Bus app is now available for the entire District. You can track your student's bus using up-to-the-minute GPS data using the app, which is available at the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It can also be accessed on the web here. 

    Neshaminy's school code is 29378.

    Student Accident Insurance

    Neshaminy does not carry medical insurance for students, but we are pleased to offer an optional low-cost group plan for those families that desire extra coverage. Click here for more information about this plan and how to register.


    Neshaminy Help Line

    If you have questions about anything Neshaminy and are not sure where to start, please call 215-809-7777 or email


    Chromebook Information, Repairs, Permission Forms

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Maple Point Announcements


    Please click here for information about being late for school.


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  • Rock of Ages: Youth Edition

    Thu. Mar 13th 2025, 7:00 pm
    Fri. Mar 14th 2025, 7:30 pm
    Sat. Mar 15th 2025, 7:00 pm
    Sun. Mar 16th 2025, 2:00 pm



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  • Parent Resources 2024

    Please click here for Academic Resources/Supports.

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  • Athletic Information For Parents
    We are excited to have Arbiter Sports (previously the FamilyID) as our sports registration program.  Please click HERE for additional information on how to register your student athlete.  Thank you.
    All Student Athletes must have a PIAA Sports Physical dated after June 1st 2024 to play any sport in the 2024-2025 school year.
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  • Food4Troops

    Please help Mr. Weldie collect items for our deployed soldiers through Food4Troops. 

    • We collect various items that are needed by our deployed soldiers and ship those items all over the world to whatever outpost they may be assigned to. 


    • During past campaigns, some care boxes have even arrived by parachute and have been flown to aircraft carriers.


    • This past Fall, I collected extra Halloween candy at Maple Point and, with assistance from my WIN students, shipped boxes to our soldiers stationed in S. Korea (Mr. Weldie was deployed there as a young Army MP), and also on a ship.


    • We are transitioning now from candy to the list of various items requested most often by our soldiers (see below).


    • The cost to ship each priority mail box has risen to $19.15. The postage is usually greater than the value of the items in the box. This is a true community effort.


    • If you'd like to help, please send in anything you can from the list.


    • Financial help is welcome too, as in the past years we have shipped up to 30 boxes (which would cost about $600 this year).  Feel free to participate in any way you're able to or would like to; everything is welcome. Thank you!




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  • Canvas Information & Instructions

    Canvas is our new online learning management system. Information and instructions for students and parents can be found here.


    Parent access information to Canvas can be found here.


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    Please click here for the updated cell phone policy for the 2024-2025 year.


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  • Follow Mr. Sokol on Twitter

    Follow Mr. Sokol on Twitter for information, news, pictures and events at:

    Twitter Maple Point MS@MP_MrSokol


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  •  Supplemental Medical Insurance


    Click HERE for more information on Student Accident Insurance.




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  • From the SWPBIS Committee

    We are excited to announce that Maple Point Middle School has kicked off their SWPBIS program this school year.  SWPBIS stands for School Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.  The philosophy behind this program includes reducing problem behavior, increasing student engagement, improving academic performance and improving family involvement within the school district.  We are looking for donations to reward positive behavior in students and staff.  The SWPBIS program can only achieve its goals with the generosity from members of our community.  Without these donations, creating the SWPBIS program would not be possible.

    Since the start of the SWPBIS program, we have relied on the generosity of individuals like you.  We ask you to consider a donation to our program.  Any contribution is welcome, as students are constantly being rewarded for their MP3 behavior.  (Examples of gift cards: Five Below, ITunes, Chick-Fil-A, Amazon, etc...)  Checks made out to Maple Point and cash are also welcome.  We hope that you will support our efforts.  Any donations can be brought to school with your child and delivered to the main office during the school day.

    Thank you in advance for your generosity.


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