From the SWPBIS Committee

We are excited to announce that Maple Point Middle School has kicked off their SWPBIS program this school year.  SWPBIS stands for School Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.  The philosophy behind this program includes reducing problem behavior, increasing student engagement, improving academic performance and improving family involvement within the school district.  We are looking for donations to reward positive behavior in students and staff.  The SWPBIS program can only achieve its goals with the generosity from members of our community.  Without these donations, creating the SWPBIS program would not be possible.

Since the start of the SWPBIS program, we have relied on the generosity of individuals like you.  We ask you to consider a donation to our program.  Any contribution is welcome, as students are constantly being rewarded for their MP3 behavior.  (Examples of gift cards: Five Below, ITunes, Chick-Fil-A, Amazon, etc...)  Checks made out to Maple Point and cash are also welcome.  We hope that you will support our efforts.  Any donations can be brought to school with your child and delivered to the main office during the school day.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.