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Maple Point
Middle School
We Build Futures
District Home
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Our School
Assistant Principal French
8th Grade Move-Up Ceremony 2023
All About Maple Point
Daily Rotation Schedule
Main Office
2024-2025 District Calendar
6th - 8th Grade Bell Schedule
5th Grade Schedule
Strategic Plan 2021-2024
Public Notices
Business, Computer & Information Technology (BCIT)
Health & Physical Education
Technology Education
Team F - Grade 8
Team G - Grade 5
Project Fit America (hidden)
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Special Areas
Supply Lists for School Year
Homework Assistance
Counseling Center
School Nurse
Working Papers
5th Grade Intramurals
6th Grade Intramurals
Art Club
Cadet Choir
Chess Club
Community Service Club
Computer Science Club
Connect Club
Creative Journaling Club
Dance Club
Debate Club
Dungeons & Dragons
Fitness Club
Future Millionaires Club
Homework Club
K'Nex Club
Math 24 Club
Mind, Body & Soul Club
No Place For Hate Club
Reading Olympics
Safe Space Club
Tech Ed Club
Veterans Day (hidden
Yearbook Club
Activities Overview
Track and Field
Boys' Basketball
Athletic Director
Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
Family Help & Resources
Student Accident Insurance
Volunteer Information
New Student Information
Neshaminy Kids Club
MPMS Mock Trial Video
Adamoyurka, Ms. D. - Reading
Baker, Mrs. E. - World Language
Bennett, Mrs. - Special Education
Blum, Ms. - 5th Grade
Boop, Mr. R. - Technology
Burke, Ms. - Academic Enrichment
Chajkowsky, Mrs. A. - Reading
Chantry, Mrs. R. - Special Ed.
Cook, Ms. J. - Special Education
Curran, Mrs. M. - Special Education
Demo Teacher
Devine, Mr. A. - Special Education
DiSalvo, Mr. J. - Math Specialist
Doster, Ms. N. - Mathematics
Dunkley, Ms. A. - Health & Physical Education
Emrich, Mrs. J. - Special Education
Fields, Mr. B. - Music
Fisher, Mrs. Renee - 5th Grade
Flaville-Boop, Mrs. S. - English
Foley, Mrs. C. - English
French, Mr. N. - Social Studies
Gartenmayer, Ms. T. - 5th Grade
Gases, Ms. K. - Reading/Academic Enrichment
Goldberg, Mrs. M. - 5th Grade
Grogan, Ms. H. -Special Education
Grzymkowski, Ms. E. - Art
Haggerty, Ms. K. - Nurse
Harkins, Mrs. E. - Reading
Hawkins, Ms. K. - Reading
Hoffman, Mrs. C. - ESL
Hope, Ms. A. - Science
Imbody, Ms. J. - Reading
Irizarry, Mrs. - Special Education
Kaminski, Ms. P. - World Language
Kane, Mrs. B. - English
Kealey, Ms. C. - Counselor
Kealey, Ms. D. - Special Education
Kearns, Ms. J - Librarian/Media Specialist
Kelly, Mr. J. - Social Studies
Kenney, Mrs. K - Health & Physical Education
Kervick, Mrs. K. - Health & Physical Education
Kuneck, Ms. K. - Special Education
Lever, Mr. B. - Social Studies
Lumio, Mr. C. - Science
Manthey, Mr. N. - Technology Education
Marotta, Ms. C. - Mathematics
Martys, Mr. D. - Counselor
McDonough, Ms. D. - Special Education
McFadden, Mr. J. - Special Education
Merchiore, Ms. T. - Mathematics
Mishon, Ms. K. - Special Education
Mitchem, Mr. E. - 5th Grade
Mulcahy, Ms. P. - Special Education
Murphy, Mr. B. - Mathematics
Nangle, Mr. N. - Academic Enrichment/Drama
O'Boyle, Mrs. P. - 5th Grade
O'Leary, Mr. P - 5th Grade
Obuchowicz, Mrs. A. - Health & Physical Education
Ody, Ms. M. - English
Paris, Ms. T. - English
Pienta, Mr. J. - Special Education
Pinkstone, Mrs. K. - Special Education
Razzano, Mrs. T. - Art
Rice, Mrs. B. - 5th Grade
Rosales, Ms. S. - Social Studies
Roth, Mr. W. - Communications & AVID Elective
Russell, Mr. T - Music
Russell, Ms. N. - Special Education
Sinagoga, Mrs. B. - Music
Slater, Mrs. G. - Social Studies
Smith, Ms. C. - Special Education
Stockton, K. - Art
Strada, Mrs. - 5th Grade
Support Staff
Sweeney, Mr. R. - Mathematics
Sweeney, Ms. C. - Science
Szramiak, Ms. J. - Special Education
Tanicello, Mr. A. - Music
Taylor, Mrs. T. - Speech
Test Site
Toner, Mr. D. - Physical Education
Tosti, Mr. P. - Music
Trainer, Mr. A. - Health & Physical Education
Trainor, Ms. K. - Counselor
Weldie, Mr. R. - 5th Grade
Wilson, Dr. M. - Science
Winter, Mr. D. - Science
Zdunczyk, Mrs. C. - Mathematics
Crozier, Mr. R. - Counselor
Miller, Mrs. - Building Tech
Schoenleber, Mrs. - Kindergarten
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Russell, Mr. T - Music
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Welcome to Mr. Russell's Website
mail is the easiest way to get in touch with me. I will be sending out weekly emails to all parents to keep them informed about all items and news related to their child's instrumental music education.
Maple Point MS
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