
Letter to 6th grade Reading Parents










    Dear Families,

    In 6th grade, students are encouraged to read regularly. Reading often and from different kinds of books has many benefits. Research has shown that it is the best way to improve vocabulary, comprehension, and reading fluency. It can also help students become better writers and better students all-round. The best way to become a better reader is to practice. So that’s just what we’re going to do this year in A212!  One of my goals this year is to have each student independently reading books of his or her choice regularly throughout the school year. My students will be given some class time to read independently, however some reading will need to done outside of Reading class or at home. I will conference with each student about what he or she is reading and keep track of their progress.

    I know that reading can be a very enjoyable experience. It can be an entertaining escape that allows students to live other lives, imagine great things, think, relate, and relax. Please encourage your child to read at home each night and make reading a regular part of his or her life.

    Thank you for your support this school year!

    Mrs. Gases