Jazz Band

  • All qualifying 6th through 8th graders are encouraged to audition for the Jazz Band. Even if your son/daughter does not make the group, the audition process is an educational experience. The more time one auditions, the easier auditions become. Interested students are strongly encouraged to attend the Jazz Band Information Meeting on Friday, October 25th at 7 AM in the auditorium.

    Jazz Band instrumentation* is as follows:

    • 5 Saxophones
    • 4 Trombones
    • 4 Trumpets
    • 2 Drummers
    • 1 Piano
    • 1 Bass
    • 1 Guitar

    *Section instrumentation may be smaller/larger than listed, depending on audition quality. The Jazz Band will rehearse on Friday mornings from late November to early May. Auditions will be on November 19th and 20th. The first rehearsal will take place on Friday, November 22nd. Sign-up times will be available from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Students who participate in the Jazz Band must be members "in good standing" (attending all scheduled instrumental/string lessons and all ensemble rehearsals) of the Concert Band, Orchestra, and/or Choir. This is a select group in which students are "one on a part."