Instrumental Lessons
Band and Orchestra lessons are a vital part of learning an instrument. Each instrumental music student will receive one group lesson each week per instrument. Regular lesson attendance is required in order to participate in all related music department rehearsals, concerts, and activities. Students should have their cases labeled with their NAME and SCHOOL. Instrument serial numbers should be on file at home.
- Students are expected to prepare for their lesson by practicing the assigned material.
- Students must come to lessons on time and be prepared with their instrument, music folder, and a pencil.
- Students are responsible for lesson material missed during an absence.
- The lesson schedule will be distributed by the directors and can also be found in the music hallway and on Canvas.
- Lessons will be on the same day weekly. The lesson time will rotate to a different period each week. Therefore, students with instrumental music lessons will only miss the same class once in the rotation cycle.
- Students are responsible for making up material missed in class during lesson time.
- It is important to see students at the scheduled time, but if there is a conflict such as a test, please see the director for a make-up time. Students should only miss a lesson if they have a test. Students are welcome and encouraged to discuss any problems or concerns with their director.
- For some ensembles, students may receive a black hardbound, numbered folder. These folders are issued for use during the school year and must be returned at the end of the school year. If a folder is lost or damaged, the replacement cost is $15.00.
- Seating for all instrumental groups is at the discretion of the director. Seating may require an audition or assessment.