What you will need to succeed:
- Flash Drive ~ VERY IMPORTANT!!!
- One single subject three-ring binder.
- One subject spiral notebook. Make sure it can fit a regular piece of computer paper inside without hanging over. (8 ½ X 11)
- Pack of dividers (5)
- Loose leaf paper
- Highlighter
- Pencil/Pen zipper pouch
- Colored Pencils
- At least two glue sticks
- Pencils
- Pens (two blue and/or black)
- Pens (two red)
- Personal pencil Sharpener
- Two packs of 3/5 flashcards
**Please have these items by September 8.**
What is English Class?
This class will be a lot of writing! Over the span of the year, you are all going to improve your writing skills and become great writers. You will do this through use of our writer’s notebook, English binder as well as other activities we will have throughout the year. You will also be reading short stories from our textbook as well as novels that have been chosen for 6th grade.
You are required to have an English notebook (spiral ring- 8 ½ X 11) and an English binder (3-ring binder). Maintaining a notebook and binder is required and may be checked and graded every marking period. You will also need your pencil case with a pen and/or pencil, glue stick, colored pencils etc.
Grades will be based on points earned from a variety of assignments focusing on: spelling and vocabulary development, comprehension, learning independently and collaboratively, reading and understanding materials, listening, speaking, and writing effectively using the writing process, working cooperatively, interpreting, analyzing, and synthesizing information, setting goals, and assessing work, and miscellaneous projects/ activities.
Classroom Rules
- Be Prepared
- Raise your hand to speak
- Work quietly with groups and partners
- Be a respectful class member
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
- Respect each other and the classroom
- Verbal warning: you will be reminded of the rule you have broken.
- Parental contact.
- S.O.A.R. Referral.
Late Work
Work is due the following class period unless a specific due date is given. Work handed in one day late will receive partial credit. Assignments that are completed but left in your locker, the bus, at home, are considered late. You will consistently lose points when work handed in more than one day late will, but will need to be completed or will count against you during notebook checks. All homework will be written on the board as well as be posted on my Poquessing Staff page. You should copy the assignments daily and they are expected to be completed and turned in on time. Any assignment turned in a day late will only receive partial credit.