
    System 44




    System 44

    System 44 is a foundational reading and phonics intervention technology program for our most challenged readers in Grades 3-12+.  System 44 is designed for use in a small group setting, with students rotating between the software and small group differentiated instruction or modeled, and independent reading. 

    SRI and SPI Tests

    The Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI) and Scholastic Phonics Inventory (SPI) are given three - four times a year in September, January, and May/June.  The SRI is a 20-30 minute reading test designed to measure a child’s reading level based on how well they comprehend the passages they are given.  The SRI is a reliable and validated measure of decoding and sight word reading fluency. The test will identify students as pre-decoders, beginning decoders, developing decoders, and advancing decoders.

    Monthly Reports

                Starting at the end of October, I will send home reports so that you are able see how your child is doing in System 44, how they are progressing in the program, and to allow you to track your child’s progress throughout the year.


                Your child has a binder in my class that is utilized for their System 44 portfolio.  All work completed in class is kept in this binder throughout the year.  Work will be sent home throughout the year for you to see as well.

    Active Reading

    The System 44 library provides age-appropriate texts for students who are developing decoders.  Each book specifically targets a skill that your child has received instruction on while working through the software.  These books allow students to work on building their reading fluency, reading comprehension, and vocabulary.   Students will complete an active reading packet while reading the book to reinforce comprehension skills, and will understand reading is not just reading words, but making meaning of what you are reading.  Finally, they will take an online quiz at the end of each book.

    Decodable Digest

    The Decodable Digest includes two passages for every sound-spelling correspondence taught in the program.  Each passage is 75% decodable and designed to engage reluctant, older students, while helping them build their reading fluency.  Students will complete a page along with their Decodable Digest to demonstrate that they understand what they are reading, and to make meaning of the passage.

    44 Book and Instructional Software

    During small group students will work with me reading passages, which are 80% nonfiction, and practicing applying their decoding and fluency skills.  There is also an additional writing piece in the 44book this year, which will allow your child to have more time working on applying their encoding skills, as well as improving their written expression.

    The instructional software will allow your child to work and move at their own pace.  I am able to view how they are doing on each part of the software, and intervene when necessary.  The software includes decoding and word strategies, spelling, comprehension, and writing skills.  In class, students are able to utilize their Chromebooks to work on the System 44 software.


    For more information on system 44 visit:



    Additional Information:

                In addition to the activities above, I also read aloud almost every day from a chapter book that we then do activities with throughout the year.  This year we are starting with “Wonder” and “Auggie and Me”.  It is a great idea to ask your child about what is happening in our read aloud as there are very important messages throughout the book.  Most importantly, the book teaches us all to accept differences, and show empathy and kindness to everyone that we encounter. 

                Finally, I also incorporate other activities, articles, and lessons in regards to growth mindset (see attached) and other important topics and skills throughout the year to help meet your child’s goals and academic standards.  I really look forward to a year of fun and learning with your child.  It is always a joy for me to watch my students grow throughout the year as learners and get to know more about them through the activities in our classroom. 



                       All points are weighted the same and final grades are based on total points earned for the marking period out of total points possible for the marking period.

               Classwork - Most independent work is counted as a classwork grade.  This type of work is typically assigned multiple times throughout week.  This allows me to check for understanding as we move through different skills in class.  Often times with this work they are given a chance to correct any mistakes I find the first time I check their work.  If your child is absent for classwork they will make it up when they return.  Occasionally, the work may be something that cannot be made up late and therefore your child will be excused from the assignment.

               Homework - Homework is typically worth 12 points a week or 4 points for each page they are given.  Homework points are given for completion and following directions, not based on right or wrong answers.  Any homework turned in late will be worth no less than half credit depending on how late it is turned in.  They may turn in any missing homework until the end of the marking period.  Students are often reminded of outstanding homework assignments and encouraged to check Home access to be aware of what work they are missing.

               Software Scores - In order to keep students accountable and on-task, all of the work they complete on the software is used for their grade each marking period.  Each software topic is 50 points and is a chance for students to bring up their grades, if needed, with hard work when working on their software topics.