Color Field Prints
- Color field painting emerged out of the attempts of several artists in the late 1940s to devise a modern, mythic art. Seeking to connect with the primordial emotions locked in ancient myths, rather than the symbols themselves, they sought a new style that would do away with any suggestion of illustration.
- Color field painting marks a major development in abstract painting, since it was the first style to resolutely avoid the suggestion of a form or mass standing out against a background. Instead, figure and ground are one, and the space of the picture, conceived as a field, seems to spread out beyond the edges of the canvas.
The 4th graders will be creating Color Field Monoprints. Using a variety of colors and textural materials, plates are inked and textures are applied to the plate. The inked plates are printed first with the textural materials and then another print is created without the textural materials. Students are engaging with artist quality materials in professional printmaking practices.
Learn more here: http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/history-of-art/colour-field-painting.htm
Keith Haring and Symbols
Students were introduced to the work of Keith Haring a Pennsylvania artist from Kutztown. His simple, cartoon like figures and images inspired the students to create their own! The large figures will be hung throughout the school when complete. You can learn more about Keith Haring with the attached slide show. Pictures will be coming...
International Dot Day
Students are creating "Dots" in celebration of International Dot Day. Studnets are adding lines, shapes, patterns and colors to coffee filters (which act as the dot). Their "Dots" will be hung outside the office to celebrate all that National Dot Day represents.
Check the International Dot Day website for more information.
Welcome Back
Welcome back for the 2016-2017 school year.This year students will be working as artists with Studio Habits of the Mind.Studio Habits of Mind (SHoM) empower students to articulate their learning in any subject matter, and provide an entry point for learning based on individual choice and need. They are not hierarchical, and they can be used in guided instruction or constructivist teaching modalities.
8 Studio Habits of Mind
1. Develop Craft: Learning to use tools, materials, artistic conventions; and learning to care for tools, materials, and space.
2. Engage & Persist: Learning to embrace problems of relevance within the art world and/or of personal importance, to develop focus conducive to working and persevering at tasks.
3. Envision: Learning to picture mentally what cannot be directly observed, and imagine possible next steps in making a piece.
4. Express: Learning to create works that convey an idea, a feeling, or a personal meaning.
5. Observe: Learning to attend to visual contexts more closely than ordinary “looking” requires, and thereby to see things that otherwise might not be seen.
6. Reflect: Learning to think and talk with others about an aspect of one’s work or working process, and learning to judge one’s own work and working process and the work of others.
7. Stretch & Explore: Learning to reach beyond one’s capacities, to explore playfully without a preconceived plan, and to embrace the opportunity to learn from mistakes.
8. Understand (Arts) Community: Learning to interact as an artist with other artists (i.e., in classrooms, in local arts organizations, and across the art field) and within the broader society. Arts is in parenthesis here as it can easily be switched with other disciplines, like science or history.
Studio Habits of Mind from Studio Thinking: The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education,
Hetland, Winner, et al, Teachers College Press, 2007.
Binding a book with a 3 hole pamphlet stitch
You can find directions to bind a book with a 3 hole pamphlet stitch here: http://www.booklyn.org/education/ispamphlet.pdf
You can view videos for a demonstration here:
For step by step directions with color go here: http://abookfull.tumblr.com/post/23683128084/3holepamphlet