• Science
    Our FOSS (Full Option Science System) program is an exciting hands on program that captures the students' interest and fosters a deeper understanding of the science curriculum.  We will complete 3 units this year.  Students will participate in several investigation experiments during each unit.  A short book of reading selections will be read during each unit.  A test will be given at the end of each unit.

    In Earth Materials students will take materials apart to discover their various ingredients.  They will also put materials together to better understand their properties.  Minerals and rocks will be studied.
    Notes for Earth Materials Unit

    In Physics of Sound students will distinguish between sounds made by dropped objects.  They will learn how sounds can be made louder, softer, higher or lower.  They will examine how sound gets from a source to a receiver, and how it travels through a variety of materials.
    Notes for Physics Of Sound Unit

    In Structures of Life students will observe, compare, categorize and care for a variety of organisms including seeds, plants, crayfish and beetles.
    Notes for Structures of Life Unit