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    Julius Caesar

    feudal Europe

    7th Grade Social Studies

    World History II:
     The Legacy of Rome through the Middle Ages


    Overview           Special Activities           Lessons and WebQuests

    7th Grade Social Studies Teachers

    The people and civilizations of the world have experienced many developments since the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.  Students analyze the various civilizations which developed after the fall of Romeof American democracy.  Click on the link below for additional information.
    Enduring Understandings:
    • Historical interpretation involves an analysis of cause and result.
    • Geography is used to explain the past, interpret the present, and plan for the future.
    • Citizens understand their rights and practice their responsibilities in a vibrant society.
    • Characteristics, distribution, and migration of human populations impact culture, economic interdependence, settlement patterns, and control of the Earth’s surface.
    • Perspective helps to define the attributes of historical comprehension.
    • Limited resources and unlimited wants require choices by individuals, groups, and nations.
    • The location of resources, transportation, communication networks, and technological innovation affect international economic patterns and the distribution of wealth.
    • Adherence to the rule of law validates an individual’s responsibility to society


    Essential Questions:
    • What role do multiple causations play in describing a historic event?
    • Why does culture impact place?
    • How is it possible for different people to interpret an event differently?
    • When empires expand, how are cultures and societies affected?
    • How does economic scarcity impact daily life for individuals, regional entities, and nation-states?
    • Why is the determination of opportunity cost important to economic decision making?
    • How does religion affect the lives of people and societies? 


    Essential Content:
    • Rome is the major foundation for Western Civilization
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    • The fall of Rome led to a sequence of new political and economic systems
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    • Ideas are spread through trade, travel, and war
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    • Cultural contact can create change and conflict
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    • Some cultures choose isolationism as a policy to maintain cultural identity
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    • Some cultures are destroyed intentionally
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    Special Activities
    Students use the Interactive Notebook, computer resources, WebQuests, and scored discussions to explore American history.
    Lessons and WebQuests
    • TBA
    • TBA
    7th Grade Social Studies Teachers