
    5th Grade Social Studies

    American History


    Overview      Special Activities      Lessons and WebQuests

    5th Grade Social Studies Teachers


    Students survey the American experience, from the colonization of North America to the growing tensions between Great Britain and the American colonies.  Click on the links below for additional information.
    5th Grade Curriculum Guide 2016
    5th Grade Overview

    State and National Standards:

    • Civics (PA Standards)
      • Explain the principles and ideals that shape any government
      • Explain the essential characteristics of limited and unlimited government and explain the advantages and disadvantages of those systems of governments
    • Economics (NES)
      • Explain the need for trade among people and nations given the unequal distribution of resources in the world
    • Geography (NGS)
      • Analyze the forces of cooperation and conflict among people which influences the use, division, and control of the earth's resources
    • Culture (NCSS)
      • Explain and give examples of how language, literature, the arts, architecture, other artifacts, traditions, beliefs, values, and behaviors contribute to the development of the culture of a civilization
    • History (NCSS)
      • Identify and describe selected historical periods and patterns of change within and across civilizations
    Enduring Understandings:
    • Showing respect for others and acting responsibly are necessary to promote the common good.
    • Careful analysis of, and organization of information allows one to process concepts and become life-long learners.
    • Physical and cultural features of an area determine the distribution of people and resources.
    • Geographic tools and technologies can be used to acquire, process and record information.
    • Over time, societies developed five specific features of a civilization.
    • Historic knowledge is passed from generation to generation and continues to influence modern people.
    • Cultures evolved and continue to evolve with interaction with other cultures.
    • Cultures evolved and continue to evolve within the specific constraints of the geographic conditions present.
    • The development and diffusion of a culture occurs when societies share cultural traits.
    Essential Questions:
    • How do various social scientists influence and interpret clues from the past?
    • How is it possible for different social scientists to interpret an event differently?
    • How and why do civilizations interact?
    • How does geography influence where people live?
    • How do the forces of conflict and cooperation among people influence the division and control of Earth’s resources?
    • How does geography influence the development of civilizations?
    • How could daily life differ between different regions with the same civilization? 


    Essential Content:

    NOTE: Major content focus is on the applying the five characteristics of a civilization to each society studied. Also, the themes of geography will assist in the analysis of each society.

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    Neshaminy Standards:
    There are five standards for students to achieve in the 6th grade program. Each focus on the application of the the five characteristics of a civilization to analyze a particular society. The common standard reads as follows:

      Neshaminy students will:

    • Analyze how the five characteristics of civilization manifest themselves in a particular ancient society.
    • Explain how each characteristic works to satisfy the needs of the people.
    • Identify the influences of that society on modern western civilizations.

    Neshaminy District Performance Assessment:
    There are five district academic assessments based on the student's ability to display proficient or outstanding skills in writing to demonstrate an understanding of the manifestation of the five characteristics of civilization in a particular ancient society.





    Special Activities
    Interactive Notebook, simulations, three readers on the ancient world, and various projects make-up the students' social studies experience.


    Lessons and WebQuests
    • TBA
    • TBA