School Facts and Figures
Our school serves approximately 430 super students in grades K-4.
We are also fortunate to have Special Education Life Skills & Specialized Learning Support (SLS) classes, Pre-K Counts classes and learning support services for every grade level.
In addition, we have support and related services personnel including:
- Special Area teachers for Art, Library, Music, and Physical Education
- Itinerant Music Teachers for Band and Orchestra
- Title I Reading Specialist
- Speech and language Therapists, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Hearing Therapist, and Vision Therapist
- Learning Support Teachers
- Instructional Assistants and an office staff that includes a Secretary and Clerk Typist
Rounding out our support personnel we have cafeteria aides, recess aides, and an incredible custodial crew.
A school psychologist is assigned to us and a psychiatrist and social worker are available as needed.