•                         Quotation Marks


    Quotation marks are used to show the exact words someone says.

    - first word of a quotation is capitalized

    - punctuation at the end of the quotation goes inside the quotation mark

    - comma sets off the words a person says from the words that tell who is speaking.


    Split quotation is one in which the exact words a person says are broken into two parts.

    - if the first part of the quotation is a complete sentence, use a comma before and then a period after the words that tell who is speaking. Capitalize the first letter in the second sentence of the quotation.

    - if the entire quotation is one sentence, use a comma after the words that tell who is speaking. Do NOT capitalize the first letter in the second part of the quotation.


    Quotations from Text

    Quotation marks are used to show exact words taken from a text, such as a magazine article. Include the author of the quotation and the source, which is where it appeared. Follow the rules for using quotations and punctuation in quotations from the text.