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Walter Miller
Elementary School
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2024-2025 District Calendar
Comprehensive Plan 2021-2024
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Title 1 Reading
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Title I
NSD Parents' Corner
Food Services & Nutrition
New Student Registration
Neshaminy Kids Club
Aguilar, Mrs. Janette - Nurse
Alford, Mrs. Kathy - 3rd Grade
Andrews, Mr. M. - ELD
Arnold, Mrs. - Kindergarten
Bedesem, Ms. S. - Kindergarten
Bettelli, Mrs. - 1st Grade
Blaydon, Mr. A. - 4th Grade
Breslin-Gatineau, Ms. J. - 2nd Grade
Callahan, Mrs. Jamie - 3rd Grade
Colon, Mrs. F. - Counselor
Connolly, Mrs. Cynthia - Counselor
Darnley, Ms. B. - 3rd Grade
Dougherty, Mrs. Kelly - Title One
Finley, Mrs. Colleen - 1st Grade
Frisch, Mrs. J. - Kindergarten
Gansor, Ms. A. - Title 1
Gruener, Ms. Samantha - 1st Grade
Hoffman, Mrs. C. - ELD
Hoyas, Mrs. C. - Special Education
Hyjurick, Mrs. Linda - 2nd Grade
Kausch, Mr. - 3rd Grade
Keenley, Ms. N. - Kindergarten
Kiser, Mrs. - 4th grade
Krayer, Mr. - Physical Education
Larkin, Ms. C. - 3rd Grade
Loftus, Mrs. Janet - Kindergarten
Maurizi, Ms. - Title 1
McLaughlin, Ms. C - 2nd Grade
McQuade, Mrs. Nancy - Psychologist
Miller, Ms. A. - Health/Physical Education
Moser, Kristi - 3rd Grade (LTS)
O'Rourke, Mrs. Donna - 3rd Grade
Pescatore, Ms. C. - Reading Specialist
Peto, Ms. G. - Title 1
Price, Mrs. Randi - 1st Grade
Profy, Ms, K. - Special Education
Ramella, Ms. T. - 2nd Grade
Randle, Ms. C. - 3rd Grade
Randler, Ms. E. - 4th Grade
Rathgeb, Ms. C. - 3rd Grade
Ritchie, Mrs. Cynthia - 4th Grade
Robinson, Ms. K. - Special Education
Rola, Ms. S. - Art
Russell, Mr. Timothy - Instrumental Music
Rydzewski, Mr. T. - 4th Grade
Slivak, Mrs. Jessica - Speech
Stanley, Mrs. Meredith - 2nd Grade
Story, Ms. J. - Library & Media Specialist
Support Staff
Unangst, Ms. J. - 2nd Grade
Zubert, Ms. E. - Music
Bucks County Intermediate Unit
Glinski, Ms. J. - ELD
Hurd, Ms. - Instrumental Music
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Rydzewski, Mr. T. - 4th Grade
Page Navigation
Teaching Philosophy
C-1 Updates
School Calendar: 2024-2025
Classroom Rules & Policies
Daily Schedule
C-1 Specialist Schedule
Modular 1 Week 1 - Subjects and Predicates
Modular 1 Week 2 - 4 Types of Sentences
Modular 1 Week 3 - Quotations
Modular 2 Week 1 - Run-On Sentences/Sentence Fragments
Modular 2 Week 2: Capitalizing Historical Documents and Events
Modular 3 Weeks 1 to 3 - Verbs
Modular 4 - Pronouns
Module 1 Long and Short A Vowel Sounds/Patterns
Module 1 Week 2 Long and Short E Vowel Sounds/Patterns
Module 1 Week 3 Long and Short I Vowel Sounds/Patterns
Module 2 Week 1 Long and Short O Vowel Sounds/Patterns
Module 2 Week 2: Homophones
Module 2 Week 3: Words with Vowels Sounds /u/, /yoo/, and /oo/
Module 3 Week 1: Words with Vowel Sounds /oo/
Module 3 Week 2: Words with Vowel Sounds /ou/, /o/
Module 3 Week 3: Vowel + /r/ Sounds /ar/, /ir/
Module 4 Week 1: More Vowel + /r/ Sounds /ur/, /or/
Module 4 Week 2: Homophones
Module 1 Week 1
Module 1 Week 2
Module 1 Week 3
Module 2 Week 1
Module 2 Week 2
Module 2 Week 3
Module 3 Week 1
Module 3 Week 2
Module 3 Week 3
Module 4 Week 1
Module 4 Week 2
UNIT 1: Place Value, Comparison, Addition, & Subtraction
Unit 1: Lesson 1 Place Value
Unit 1 - Lesson 2: Comparing Whole Numbers
Unit 1: Lesson 3 Rounding Whole Numbers
Unit 1 - Lesson 4: Adding Whole Numbers
Unit 1 - Lesson #5: Subtracting Whole Numbers
UNIT 2: Multiplication, Division, and Algebraic Thinking
Unit 2 - Lesson #6: Multiplication as a Comparison
Unit 2 - Lesson #7: Multiplication and Division in Word Problems
Unit 2 - Lesson #8: Multiples and Factors
Unit 2 Lesson 9: Number and Shape Patterns
Math Strategies
UNIT 3: Multi-Digit Operations & Measurement--Multiplication, Division, Perimeter, & Area
UNIT 3: Lesson 13
Math Reference Sheet
UNIT 3: Lesson 14 - Divide Three-Digit Numbers
Chapter 1 of Energy Conversions
Chapter 2: What makes the devices in Ergstown output or fail to output energy?
Chapter 3: Where does the electrical energy for the devices in Ergstown come from?
Student Electrical Engineers in Action
Social Studies
Social Scientist
Social Studies Alive Chapter 2: Regions of the United States
Social Studies Alive Chapter 3: Peopling of the United States
Student - Google
i-Ready Family Center
Title 1
Parent Resources
Student Absent Note
Student Council
Scholastic Book Orders
Social Studies
Walter Miller ES
Social Studies
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