2023-2024 Third Grade Supply List Quantity Item
2 1 1/2 inch binders (Please no trapper keepers)
1 set One pack of 8 count Tab Dividers
1 Marbled Composition books (hard cover)
2 Spiral Notebooks (hole punched)
2 plastic Pocket Folders (hole punched, no metal prongs)
1 Supply Bag (No larger than 8x6 and preferably a soft case with a zipper)
1 pair of Scissors
1 Art smock (old T-shirt labeled w/ student name)
1 pair of Headphones (NO earbuds)
* Supplies that will need to be replenished throughout the school year.
* 1 (4 pack) Highlighters in 4 different shades
* 1 pack Crayons OR colored pencils (24 pack is recommended)
* 4 Glue Sticks
* 1 12 pack of #2 Pencils (NO mechanical pencils)
* 1 Box of tissues
* 1 pack whiteboard Dry Erase Markers (4 colors)