EAGLE Binder
An Eagle binder is a 3-ring binder that holds everything that students and parents need to keep updated on classroom and school events! No more lost notes, lost homework, or missing lunch money! No more looking all over the house to find paper to write the teacher a note! EVERYTHING students and parents need is in one place!
Why is it important to have an Eagle binder?
-This binder helps students to establish good organizational skills and teaches responsibility.-It is a wonderful way to keep communication open between the teacher and parents.
Every morning, students turn in homework, notes from home, and any completed forms, which are all found in the binder.The following is a list of materials and a description of everything that is found in our binder: an agenda book, one two-pocket hole-punched folder, one clear plastic sleeve and two dividers.
Agenda Book
This is where students write down their daily homework assignments.
Monthly Math, Reading, and Coin Calendars and Reading Log
This clear plastic sleeve includes the daily Homework/Coin Log that is signed each school night, as well as the Reading Log that the students use to record the books they read throughout the month.
Math/Reading/Coin Calendars:
Front: Students are to record their daily reading and math lessons passed in iReady and record their monthly banking balance on the calendar. (Please initial this calendar each night.)Inside: The Coin Calendar is located inside the log. It is here that students will share with you the amount of "money" they earned during the school day and any notes regarding your child's performance in school.Back: We ask that the students record the books they read each night. This record will be used to determine if your child is reading multi-genre books in each marking period.Two-Pocket Plastic Folder
The left side pocket of the folder is for any papers that are to be returned to school. The right side pocket of the folder is for any papers that are to be kept at home.
Math Drill/Homework
This section is behind the tab labeled "Math." It includes the 3-minute timed math drills which are assigned daily (Monday - Thursday) for homework. In addition, the homework packet for the current chapter’s unit of study is also kept here.
This section is behind the tab labeled "Banking." Students will keep track of their monthly earnings AND record all of their withdrawals and deposits throughout the year.
1. Take very good care of your EAGLE binder. It will be used throughout the entire school year.
2. Clean out the "keep at home" folder every evening.3. Take your EAGLE binder home every day and bring it with you to school in the morning.4. Keep your EAGLE binder clean. Please do not eat or drink while using it.
5. Show your EAGLE binder to your parents each day. They will be so proud that you are learning responsibility!
1. Make any marks or drawings in your EAGLE binder.
2. Leave your EAGLE binder at home, child care, on the bus, or in a car. You are responsible for bringing your EAGLE binder every day!
3. Let anyone borrow your EAGLE binder or tear any pages out of it.
4. Put any papers in your EAGLE binder that DO NOT belong there.
Coin Calendar Chart Directions
Students are asked to share the stamp(s) that they receive in school with their parent(s) each night. The front of a coin stamp is used for homework and the back of a coin stamp is used for behavior. Anytime a coin is not earned, a number/numbers will be written on the line on the calendar indicating the reason for the unearned coin. The numbers reflect the following:
- Seek help when appropriate
7. Demonstrates self-control
- Works well independently
8. Completes classwork
- Demonstrates problem-solving skills
9. Prepared for class
- Completes homework
10. Respectful
- Keeps desk area and materials organized
11. Other:
- Writes legibly
We kindly ask that you discuss the coins your child earns each school day.
EAGLE Binder Parent InfomationDear parents/ guardians,
Congratulations! This year your child is learning to be organized and responsible with their very own EAGLE binder. Please go through each section of the EAGLE binder with your child and familiarize yourself with its layout and expectations. Be sure to read the letters found in BOTH the Reading Log and Banking sections as well. These letters explain our nightly reading assignment and classroom management system in detail.
After you have perused the binder, be sure to discuss the important Do’s and Don’ts below:
EAGLE Binder Do’s and Don’ts
q Please do NOT draw or doodle in or on your EAGLE binder. Treat it with respect. Take good care of your EAGLE binder, you will have it all year!
q Please do NOT let any of your friends have anything out of your EAGLE binder. Our class is SO lucky and special, that we are using these binders. You have a unique and special privilege!
q Please do NOT put any supplies or heavy items in the binder.
q Use your EAGLE binder! It is your useful, organizational tool. If you listen and put the papers and other items into the designated area, you will be organized! Every paper has a home...your backpack should be neat.
q Keep it clean. Try not to eat or drink anything near it. Remember, this binder needs to last you the whole school year.
q Bring your EAGLE binder home with you every night and bring it back to school every morning. When you have completed your homework at home, immediately put it back into your EAGLE binder.
q Share your EAGLE binder with your family every day. They will be so proud of your wonderful organizational skills!
EAGLE Binder Student Pledge
This pledge will be distributed during the first week of school.
I _________________________________, (student’s name) have shown my parents/guardians my EAGLE binder and have discussed the expectations and responsibilities that come along with owning it. I have also read the Reading Log, Banking letters, and the EAGLE binder Do’s and Don’ts with my parents/ guardians. Therefore, I promise to take good care of my EAGLE binder and bring it to school every day. I know that it will help me learn to become responsible and organized.