2055 Brownsville Road
Langhorne, PA 19053215-809-6310
FAX: 215-809-6353Donald M. Palmer
Office Staff Terry Walsh Secretary Email 215-809-6310 Jill Knowles Clerk Email 215-809-6312 Rita Bartlett Clerk Email 215-809-6313 Student Support Staff Carol Alexis, RN Nurse Email 215-809-6316 Debby DiSandro, BSN Nurse Email 215-809-6336 Corinne Donnelly Grades K, 2, 3 & 4 Counselor Email 215-809-6315 Megan Kovak Grade 1 Counselor Email 215-809-6325 James Maloney Coordinator of Student Affairs Email 215-809-6456 Jessica Musho Behaviorist Email 215-809-6452 Sarah Napolitan Psychologist Email 215-809-6599 WelcometoTawanka Elementary SchoolThe safety of all students and staff at Tawanka Elementaryis one of our greatest concerns.All visitors who wish to enter Tawanka Elementary Schoolmust present a valid identification using the kiosk in our vestibule.This is required for every visit.Our office staff will be happy to assist you.