What is Technology Education?
Technology Education (Usually called Tech Ed or TE) is a study of technology in our modern world. Technology is the use of resources to solve problems and fulfill human needs and wants.
Technology Education prepares students for life in an increasingly technological and complex world. It gives them problem solving and critical thinking skills to help them comprehend devices and situations that they will encounter in their future.
Technology Education also introduces students to areas that they may find interesting as an area of future study and perhaps a career. Any student that feels they may want to enter careers involving engineering, mechanical design, architecture or any of the myriad of technical fields would be well served by taking courses in Technology Education.
What Technology Education is Not:
It's not job training. That is done by Vocational Education Technical Schools (The Tech School)
It's not 'Shop" any more. Though we use tools, (and the Production course uses a lot of them) the main emphasis is on problem solving and design with many hands-on activities. We have many more computers in our department than hammers and screwdrivers!
The program is not, however, solely computer courses. Computers are used for Computer Aided Drafting, Graphics Design, Video Production, etc. Computer repair or maintenance is not covered by our area.