• Supply List - Prattville Elementary School                                                      Supply List - Prattville Elementary School

    Dear Parents,

    Welcome to kindergarten! Having the right supplies makes work easier for your child. We would like to suggest the following items be sent in on Kindergarten Orientation or the first day of school.


    In order to help things run smoothly while we settle into our new Kindergarten lifestyle, we are asking for your help.  Can you please help by separating your child’s supplies?


    In the Plastic Pencil Box marked with your child’s name please place:
    2 pencils, 2 glue sticks, 1 pair of scissors, 1 box of 24 crayons, 2 dry erase markers, ½ magic eraser(cut) and 1 regular eraser. 


    In a large Ziplock bag marked with your child’s name please place: (these will be used throughout the year when replacements are needed.)


    *12 sharpened #2 pencils

    *1 pack of Magic Erasers (cut in half)


    *1 pack of pencil erasers

    *extra Crayons (box of 24)

    *At least 10 dry erase markers (EXPO fine point dry erase markers work the best)

    *12 glue sticks


    *pack of colored pencils


    *pack of markers


    *A smock or old t-shirt for ART- Label first and last name in a ziploc bag


    *An extra change of clothes- Label first and last name in a ziploc bag


    *A pair of headphones- Label first and last name in a ziploc bag


     *One pocket folder labeled with first and last name


    *2 boxes of tissues


    *2 containers of Clorox Wipes

     *2 containers of hand wipes  

     We are looking forward to a successful kindergarten year with you and your child.

    Thank you!!! The Kindergarten Teachers 😊 😊