3rd Grade Supply List 2024-2025
In preparation for the school year, we have compiled a list of supplies below that would be helpful and appreciated.
SUPPLIES:- 3 boxes of tissues
- 1 Clorox wipes
- 1 pair of scissors
- Plenty of sharpened #2 pencils
- 12-pack of colored pencils
- 1 pack of wide-ruled notebook paper
- Small, soft pencil box
- 2 glue sticks
- 2 pads of Post-it notes
- 4 dry erase markers
- 2 highlighters
- 1 marble composition book
- Headphones - Please label with your child's name
- Art Smock- Old t-shirt, etc. Please label with your child's name
6 three-prong, two-pocket folders: (Please label with Name and Subject)
- Homework Folder-Student Choice
- Math-Red
- Science/Social Studies-Green
- Reading-Blue
- Writing-Yellow
- WIN- White
Thank you so much for your help!
The Third Grade Teachers
Mr. Michael Ponza
Mrs. Jennifer Barr
Mrs. Christine Janaski