School Counseling Support Groups-There are multiple lunch bunch groups that can be offered to students with various needs. Counseling groups are formed based on data from the universal screening results, behavior incident reports and parent/teacher input. Some counseling groups that have been available in the past include:
- Self-Control Patrol- focuses on developing self-control techniques and strategies, making good decisions and finding success in the school environment. It is designed to help students stop and think before making decisions so that they can be confident in both academic and social settings.
- Making Anger Disappear (MAD)- This group is designed to teach students how to identify and manage their anger and frustration in appropriate and healthy ways.
- Families in Separate Homes (FISH)- This group focuses on increasing the awareness of multiple types of families, understanding family dynamics and learning ways to cope with feelings related to their current living situations. It is designed to increase students’ connections to other students in similar situations and to teach students how to cope so they can be confident in both academic, social and home settings.
- Worry Warriors- This group focuses on identifying, coping and managing stress or worries. It is designed to teach students how to cope and manage stress as well as how to be confident in both academic and social settings.
- ME Power- This focuses on increasing self-esteem and identifying coping skills. It is designed to teach students how to be true to themselves and identify their strengths as well as be confident in both academic and social settings.
- Leader in Me- This group focuses on developing habits, techniques and strategies for making good decisions and finding success in the school environment. It is designed to help students take charge of their lives and find balance so that they can be confident in both academic and social settings.
- Girl Talk- This group focuses on building healthy friendships, learning skills to deal with relational aggression and promoting a healthy self-esteem. It is designed to teach students how to make positive choices with friendships and how to be confident in both academic and social settings.
- Mindfulness Matters- This group focuses on teaching students how to be present in their daily lives, identify feelings and learn how to better manage their feeling. It is designed to teach students how to pay attention and focus while improving their mental health and their peer interactions.
- Friendship Circle- This group focuses on teaching students how to make friends, maintain friends, and solve problems. It is designed to teach sudents how to make positive choices with friendship and how to be confident in both academic and social settings.
*These groups are implemented based on need. Groups consist anywhere from 3-6 students and last anywhere from 6-8 weeks. Other groups can be formed based on student need.
- Social Work Support Groups-
- Lost & Found- This group addresses students who have experienced loss through addiction, a parent’s absence, etc. It provides students with a supportive environment where they connect with other students in similar situations and learn ways to manage and cope with their feelings.
*Other groups can be offered based on student need. If you are interested in having your child participate in one of these groups please feel free to contact me.