• Kindergarten Expectations


    Kindergarten children are expected to retain and use skills introduced and reviewed in the school environment. 

    These skills are:


    Alphabet and Word Skills

    ~recognize and reproduce capital and lower case letters as they are introduced

    ~match sounds to letters

    ~understand and provide examples of rhyming words and word chunks


    Reading and Writing

    ~understand concepts of print (front/back of book, pages turn left to right, reading left to right and top to bottom, find title and author of a book)

    ~respond appropriately to a variety of literature

    ~recognize memory words and frequently used words which are introduced

    ~use emergent print for writing by stretching and segmenting words

    ~ stretch, read and write Super Kids words as they are introduced


    Fine Motor Skills

    ~correctly print first and last name

    ~use proper letter formation as introduced

    ~print neatly using left to right progression

    ~use scissors skillfully



    ~recognize eight basic colors and the four basic shapes

    ~count by ones, fives, tens to 100

    ~read and write numbers up to 20

    ~match number to quantity understand numbers through 30

    ~sort by color, size and shape

    ~identify and create patterns

    ~understand relationships between numbers (using vocabulary words such as before, after, between, fewer, more than, more than etc.)

    ~use manipulatives to solve problems

    ~understand the concepts of addition and subtraction



    Social Studies and Science

    ~demonstrate an understanding of concepts


    Social and Emotional Skills

    ~listen attentively while others speak

    ~follow directions

    ~refrain from interrupting

    ~demonstrate self confidence

    ~show self control during transitional and instruction activities

    ~work and play well with others

    ~follow classroom routine and  rules

    ~respect others and their belongings

    ~accept guidance and discipline

    ~accept responsibility for own actions

    ~show understand and empathy towards others

    ~understand and accept differences of others

    ~share and take turns



    Work Habits

    ~work independently

    ~complete a task within a given time periods

    ~follow verbal directions independently and within a group

    ~participate appropriately during class discussions

    ~request help when needed

    ~show organization with personal belongings, materials and workspace

    ~come to school prepared and well rested

    ~demonstrate best effort

    ~approach learning with confidence