What is Title I?
Title I is a federally funded program that provides financial assistance to school districts to improve educational opportunities for educationally deprived children. Title I programs are designed to help children meet the state content and performance standards in language arts and mathematics (Pennsylvania Department of Education, 2022).
Tawanka Elementary School is a Schoolwide Title I school. As such, our Title I funds and services can provide comprehensive strategies for improving the entire school so that every student achieves high levels of academic proficiency.
Schoolwide Title I Program
- All students may participate in Title I funded initiatives.
Maximizes flexibility in using federal funds
Serves as a vehicle for whole-school reform with the focus on improving the achievement of lowest- achieving students.
Addresses student needs through a schoolwide plan based on a comprehensive needs assessment
How are Parents Involved?
Parents are notified about Title I services and encouraged to participate in school activities/meetings. Families may participate in informational meetings and learning opportunities throughout the school year. Parents are provided with information via newsletters, emails, conferences, school webpages, meetings,social media, and workshops.